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Ruztvani Imperium

The vast Ruztvani Imperium stretches across the northeast of Altona, with countless souls inside its borders. The largest and most populous of the five Great Powers, its progress towards modernization is held back by a spread out and largely agrarian citizenry as well as traditionalist elements in the aristocracy. The current Tsar is a fierce proponent of technological progress and a patron of the arts, however. Whether he will manage to bring his beloved homeland fully into the modern age or tear it apart from within remains to be seen.

Demography and Population

Owing to its large geographical area and diverse climate, the Ruztvani Empire boasts a remarkably diverse citizenry, although they tend to be clustered together in like groups as one gets further away from the large southern cities.   The core populations of Ruztvani are human, eladrin, and goliath, although dwarves and gnomes are common in the northeast. Semi-civilized gnoll tribes can be found in the northwest reaches while the great mountain ranges that frame the Ruztvani valley plains are home to giantkin, who bend a knee to the Tsar in ancient treaty.


The Ruztvani Empire boasts the most diverse climate of any of the old-world nations. Most of the Ruztval valley suffers from punishing winters, but those clear quickly in springtime in all but the most extreme reaches of the country.   Much of the Empire is undeveloped, with clusters of civilization spread around its vast territory with tribal settlements and wilderness scattered between.


The Ruztvani soldiery can best be described as diverse. With vastly varying cultural and technological bases across the nation, Ruztvan generals can expect to field armies consisting of anything from well-equipped modern troops to archaic mounted archers to contingents of stone giants.

Foreign Relations

The Ruztvani are keenly aware that they are currently behind the curve in the race towards modernization on the continent. They are therefore cultivating good relations with the other Great Powers with the goal of importing technical knowledge. As the most populous nation on Altona, the other nations are interested in keeping the Ruztvani friendly.   The most difficult relations for the Ruztvani are those with Krevaria, as the old Empire lays claim to what is now sovereign Ruztvan soil.

Ruztvani Forges Ahead

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Gold-backed: Gryna
Silver-backed: Ryba


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