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Weisval Republic

Situated near the crossroads of Altona, Weisval occupies an important economic and diplomatic role in the politics of the Old World. Despite existing for centuries near hungry neighbors, the high mountains surrounding most of the country have helped it maintain its independence. Home to many trading houses and commercial concerns, this small republic enjoys great wealth despite its small population.

Demography and Population

Historical records claim that the Dwarves and Gnomes originate in the Weisval, and they are the most common peoples found in the area today. Smaller populations of nearly every other nation can be found here owing to the nation's central location.


Surrounded by high mountain ranges, the beautiful Weisval plateau makes up the entirety of the Republic. Its cities are carved into crevasses or tunneled beneath the surface, leaving most of the plateau for farmland or nature. Only the smallest of Weisval's cities do not extend into the earth in some way.


Every Weislander has received some amount of militia training, ensuring that a significant trained militia can join the regular armed forces should a neighbor turn hostile. The regular military splits duty between guarding the border and acting as a police force.

Foreign Relations

Owing to its defensible location in high mountain plateaus, Weisval has never bent a knee to a foreign power. Tireless political maneuvering on the part of the nation's business class and diplomats ensures that this remains so. Weisval remains a useful neutral ground for the Great Powers, and so the small nation continues to exist while surrounded by more powerful countries.

The Republic Shields

Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Weislander, Weis
Head of State
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Gold-backed: Gilder
Silver-backed: Kenter
Official State Religion


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