Aionar Item in The Empty Throne | World Anvil


The Sword of Faith | Blade of Aemir

The Blade Aionar was given to Aemir. It was last seen in his hands when he walked away from the aftermath of the Last Battle and disappeared for twenty-one years. When he returned, Aionar was not with him and he would not speak of its location to anyone.

It is said that the Father of the Church was once asked by a child where his fabled blade, Aionar, was and whether it would be wielded again. The Father's response was that 'Aionar was a Sword of Faith and so it shall not be until Faith is truly known and tested that the blade will return to they that need it most.'
— The First Book
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Subtype / Model

Cover image: by Wayanoru


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