Sword-of-War Item in The Empty Throne | World Anvil


A Sword-of-War is a longsword with a heavier blade with the blade tapering to a sharpened point that was strengthened for piercing.

A Sword of War is often used to refer to older, pre-War and ancient Rhonish blades that were of significant size and weight. The Sword-of-War was a valued weapon during the wars against the armored and feral minions of the Dark Elder. What were once antique designs considered unwieldly by then-contemporary standards, the Sword-of-War came into its own once again on the battlefields against the Dark Elder where the heavy blade and piercing point were uniquely suited to battling the misshapen but naturally armored War Feral that the Dark Elder vomited forth onto the battlefield.

A true Sword-of-War design, by Rhonish standards, is seen primarily in the Overlands and Mournloc regions. The locals familiarity with Highlanders and their ways of waging violence brought the design back into the lands south of the Highlands. It is still an uncommon sight as the training and usage requires significant changes to the traditional techniques drilled into every knight since they could walk unaided.

As time passes though and new generations take up weapons, it will likely find its way back into the good graces of the men and women of chivalry. Especially when it is observed at its best, against an armored opponent.


The original Swords-of-War were heirlooms of the storied Rhonish families that set foot on our shores. These blades had been passed down for generations with each of them heralding the stories and legends still told amongst the Rhonish from their own long-forgotten war against the Dark Elder. When Rhuaman declared war against the ELDER and his people followed them--these blades of ancient killing were unleashed once more.

The design was imitated by many different individuals that served alongside the Rhone oldbloods in the War. When the War ended, these smiths took the craft back to their homelands and its design continued to spread throughout the Known Lands. But the weapon was outside of its time. It was unwieldy against lightly-armored raiders and mounted combat was just being mastered in the Midlands. Too early for the advantages of the blade to become apparent. While some Swords-of-War were still made, it was only the Highlanders who venerated the design and made improvement after improvement to it though their variations included much fine engravings and adorned precious metals for status.

It was not until the rise of the Knight; the pinnacle of mounted warfare and swathed in layers of metal for protection that the Sword-of-War or its other brethren, known as Long Swords, began to make its way back into usage.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Subtype / Model
Raw materials & Components

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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