Amaliel of Ydelis

Illegitimate | Theowain

AMALIEL OF YDELIS is the secondborn daughter of LORD MAFRYN THEOWAIN but the first child that he has had with MAERNINE OF TAIRENTH. AMALIEL, like her other half-siblings at the Theowain estate, accepted as the Lord's daughters although none of them are acknowledged as THEOWAIN lineage. AMALIEL and her sister, Auliel of Ydelis are raised by MAERNINE as her daughters and their mother takes every opportunity to ensure that they are accorded respect as the Lord's children as well.

AMALIEL already seems to have inherited her mother's beauty and ability to inspire joy in those around her.


Auliel of Ydelis

Younger Sister

Towards Amaliel of Ydelis


Amaliel of Ydelis

Older Sister

Towards Auliel of Ydelis


Date of Birth
31st of Winter
Year of Birth
56 ET 3 Years old
Auliel of Ydelis (Younger Sister)
Current Residence
Theowain lands

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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