Theowain (Thee-oh-wayn)

Vassal Lord | Eorl of Shields

The THEOWAIN bloodline is a strong and storied Swordsblood family with a history of authority and battle along the SWORD COAST for over three hundred years. The family have been Rhonish nobility for over two hundred years but their fortunes seem to ebb and flow with each generation. The former patriarch, Lord Aranard Theowain, ruled ably and skillfully, leaving the family lands increased in size, revenue and military might.



The THEOWAIN lineage is the proud source of over eleven generations of Swordblooded nobles who have fought for RHONE. Even prior to that, the THEOWAIN clan and their tribe were respected and influential in the LOWER SWORD COAST region that is their origin. Their predecessors served the FIRST QUEEN and continued in the service of RHONE all throughout its formation. It was not until -196 BL that they were recognized and raised up to nobility of RHONE to provide local tribes with a familiar name and lineage making it easier for them to bend the knee. The fortunes of the THEOWAIN family has waxed and waned over the past two centuries but they have remained loyal, if not enthusiastic, vassals of SHIELDS throughout that time. Several times, the THEOWAIN line has sought to influence themselves into a position that might award them the EORLDOM but none of these schemes succeeded nor were the majority of them even acted upon by the THEOWAIN family.

Since the departure of the QUEEN'S CRUSADE, the THEOWAIN's have continued to serve SHIELDS without fail despite the loss of their patriarch. It was not until the death of the REGENT that the family was able to field one of their sons under the SHIELDS banner.

With Iron | Victory To Us

Family Standing
Total Domain
5/pop (approx. 2200 people)
Village-Manor (2), Hamlet (1)
Military Forces
Valscar (1) and (vassal knight)(1)
Founding Date
Political, Family
Ruling Organization
Family Leader
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Theowain

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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