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Miska the Wolf-Spider

Miska the Wolf-Spider, a powerful Demon Lord of The Abyss, holds a dark and sinister legacy entwined with the tumultuous history of Ora. Miska's fearsome appearance, marked by his fusion of arachnid and humanoid features, was matched by his exceptional prowess in combat and strategy. His role in The Betrayal War, which transpired during the Reshaping Year of Betrayal, would forever etch his name into the annals of history.




Miska's grotesque form is an amalgamation of a spider's lower body and the torso of a man rising up from the front of the arachnid form. His malevolent visage features two heads—a central human-like head adorned with sharp, menacing teeth and a wolf head that splits open to reveal the humanlike face. This monstrous visage struck terror into the hearts of those who encountered him on the battlefield.




Miska's history can be traced back to the tumultuous era of the Divinity Wars, which raged between the fiends and Celestials on Ora. In those ancient times, before the creation of The Abyss and the banishment of the demons by the New Gods of Empyrean, Miska served as a renowned general. His strategic genius and mastery of combat were evident on the battlefield, and his allegiance was then with the forces of darkness.


The Divinity Wars were marked by celestial and fiendish forces vying for dominion over Ora, resulting in epic confrontations that reverberated throughout the realms. Miska played a significant role in these early conflicts, earning a reputation as a ruthless and cunning commander. However, the eventual Coming of the Gods would alter the course of history, ultimately leading to The Planar Expulsion of the demons to The Abyss.


Miska's transformation from a general in the Divinity Wars to a Demon Lord in The Abyss represented a significant shift in the balance of power in the multiverse. His malevolent influence persisted, culminating in his role in The Betrayal War and his ultimate demise at the hands of Bahamut.


The Betrayal War

Miska the Wolf-Spider played a pivotal role in The Betrayal War, a cataclysmic conflict that unfolded due to the treacherous ambitions of the Dark God Tharizdun. During this war, Miska was the first lieutenant of Pazuzu, who held the distinction of being the most powerful among the Demon Lords at that time. Miska's formidable presence and tactical acumen made him a formidable adversary.


The climax of The Betrayal War occurred during the Battle at the Citadel Black, where the dragon god Bahamut, one of the New Gods of Empyrean, confronted Miska and Pazuzu in an epic clash of cosmic proportions. Bahamut, emerged victorious in this fierce confrontation, ultimately killing Miska by crushing him under his claws and ripping off his heads with his teeth. But not without taking a festering wound to the shoulder that has still not completely healed to this day. The battle's outcome marked the end of Miska's malevolent influence, and his threat to the world of Ora was vanquished.

Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Date of Death
The Reshaping Year of Betrayal
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Bahamut
Place of Death
Citadel Black


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