Cantrice Raze

Younglady Cantrice Raze (a.k.a. Canti)

Cantrice is the daughter of Lara Raze, one of the current Oligarchs. Despite her youth, she has been entrusted with the managing of Whitewater Farms; under the supervision of her grandfather Jemarcus, but free to direct the farmers as she sees fit.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Time in the sun, working with animals and swimming with the seils in the Clarenlake, along with a touch of genetics, have given Cantrice a strength entirely too great for her diminutive size and kept her more than healthy. She is a pretty young girl - small, slender, and colorful; pink-red eyes, purple-black hair, and chocolate brown skin lined with tattoos of gold.

Body Features

Like her mother, Cantrice has golden tattoos across her body, though she has a great many more, and more complicated at that. She has a few sharply hooking lines beneath her eyes and along her cheeks, marked by diamonds at their lowest point, swooping patterns reminiscent of butterfly wings on each shoulder and up onto her neck, connecting into a complex hatching pattern all down either arm, marked with some arcane script along each bicep. She also has three diamonds on her neck, an arrow on her chest, and a few smaller shapes scattered around in other places.

Special abilities

Cantrice got a bit of each of her parent's blessings, along with an extra one of her own, meaning that she packs more strength than should be possible in her small frame, has some control over the earth, is a naturally comforting presence that brings good dreams, and is a stellar swimmer on top of it all - a blessing from Varanphyr for her kind treatment of Olga, the elder seil in the Clarenlake.

Apparel & Accessories

Cantrice has taken the Reishi-Amahitza mixed aesthetic to an extreme, namely by splitting it right across the waist. She wears a simple black bra on her chest, then transitions suddenly to an elegantly folded purple skirt that stretches down to her mid calf.

Mental characteristics


Cantrice was only six years old when her family was swept from lowborn status and into the Reishi high life, and she received an education to reflect that elevation; a solid understanding of topics important to Reishi nobility, but also instruction in simpler matters. She grew up in a heavily religious household that honors nature, and so she knows quite a bit about plants, animals, and the natural movements of the world.

Morality & Philosophy

Cantrice is a sweet girl, brought up by parents strict enough to enforce a solid sense of morality but caring enough to keep her from being bitter or boring. She is a free spirit, a little selfish, but more kind than wicked, at least until transgressed. Booker taught her to be a comforting presence, but Lara taught her to be a strong one.


Family Ties

Cantrice is the granddaughter of Jemarcus Raze and the daughter of Lara and Booker Raze.

Religious Views

Cantrice worships both of her parents gods - Zitalaz and Cirasi - but she also reveres Varanphyr, Goddess of Sea and Sky. In essence, she reveres anything to do with nature: Zitalaz for the land and animals, Cirasi for the suns, and Varanphyr for the seas, skies, and the fish and birds.

Social Aptitude

While not utterly proper, Cantrice is sweet and soothing enough to make her pleasant company for most. She can activate the Reishi noble side of her when she needs to, but Cantrice generally prefers something more casual and simple.
True Neutral
Current Status
Managing Whitewater Farms
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Younglady Raze
Date of Birth
29th of Hazemal, 3451
Current Residence
Citadel Armarantha
Large, wide, pinkish-red, bright
Black and purple, like a nebula, short save for four braided bands.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Reddish-brown, smooth and unblemished
64 lbs