Davion Vernilet

Oligarch Davion Vernilet

Davion Vernilet is the head of the Vernilet family and one of the six Oligarchs reigning over Reishi Island. He is remarkably young for holding such a prestigious position, at only thirty five.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Davion's desire to learn new skills, many of which are of a martial nature, have kept his body in peak condition. On top of his somewhat intimidating height, Davion is broad of shoulder and chest, with large arms and well-defined muscles, and he is as healthy as he has ever been.

Facial Features

Many would describe Davion as handsome, with a hard jawline, strong features, well-groomed hair, and focused eyes. Two scars mar his face, one over his left eye and the other across his forehead, but they do little to detract from his overall appearance.

Apparel & Accessories

The Vernilet family practically controls the fashion scene on Reishi unilaterally, and Davion abides by the trends that he helps create. He favors the northeastern Amahitzan style, albeit with more flare than most of the reserved Amahitzans would wear. He favors a bright white open-chested robe, collar is lined with red feathers - another deviation from Amahitza's fashion, but a solid complement to it.

Mental characteristics


Davion traveled far afield from Korosa for his schooling, sailing all the way to the Wakague Islands to study at the academy there. The academy's rich history, extensive archives, and connection to ARCHES gave Davion an education several steps above most others on the island, and he met his wife Viera during his school days there. Upon his return, he studied as well at Taylan Academy, learned local Reishi history, developed an understanding of all twelve of the local religions - even those of Aphion and Iyera - and apprenticed under several crafts. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Davion is the most learned person on Reishi Island.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Davion became an Oligarch at a record-breaking age, a mere twenty six at the time of his instatement, and he did it without murdering his parents. Garlan and Takola Vernilet willingly gave up their position as family head to their son, seeing that he was unequivocally the best choice to lead them. Two years afterward at the Reishi War Game, Davion's leadership earned the Vernilet family a position as a ruling house.

Intellectual Characteristics

Davion is a pedant and a polymath, intensely interested in expanding his breadth of knowledge wherever possible. He is known to pay exorbitant prices to have masters of esoteric skills brought to Korosa so that they can teach him skills that he has not yet mastered.

Morality & Philosophy

Davion is pragmatic. He will act by whatever means solves an issue and does not create many (or any, if he can) new issues. This can make him seem cold and calculating, detached from his emotions, but Davion considers "making new enemies" as an issue, and so his actions rarely cause direct offense or harm to the undeserving.



Thus far, Davion has ruled as an Oligarch for nine, nearly ten years. The major stand-outs of his time as an Oligarch was the creation of the Two-doubloon Horde, an adventuring guild that has since fallen to the control of the Broveron family by mutual agreement, and also his managing of relations with the three warring Naga'honu'akua of Coroton, Riedshaw, and Wikkasi, securing all three of their purchasing of seaspark from the Reishi without angering any of them for supplying their bitter rivals as well.

Family Ties

Davion is the husband of Viera Vernilet and the father of Kodal Vernilet.

Social Aptitude

Davion is among the most socially adept members of Reishi society. He is frighteningly charismatic, coolly confident without seeming egoistic, and aggressively polite and proper. You would be hard-pressed to find a better conversationalist.


Davion Vernilet


Towards Viera Vernilet

Viera Vernilet


Towards Davion Vernilet

Wealth & Financial state

As an Oligarchic family, the Vernilets are naturally quite wealthy, but Davion is more wont to spend his money than he is to allow it to pile up. Most of his investments see a return greater than what he put in, but some are simply for the experience. This leaves the Vernilets as less wealthy than they may otherwise be.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Managing diplomatic affairs on Reishi Island
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Oligarch Vernilet, Highlord Vernilet
Date of Birth
4th of Bimal, 3434
Viera Vernilet (spouse)
Current Residence
Citadel Armarantha
Light brown, seemingly red in the right light. Wide, calculating
Sleek brown, carefully styled
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark brown skin, smooth and well cared for save for a few scars
204 lbs
Aligned Organization