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Pelor, The Dawnfather

Deity, Core Pantheon

Pelor is the god of the sun, summer, nature and healing. He is worshipped in communities where civilisation and nature can coexist. He supports those in need and apposes all evil.  


Pelor is depicted in two forms. One, an elderly wise male with long flowing white robes and a staff. Another, an intricate suit of golden armour with a burning star where his head would be.   The Dawnfather is described as a kind, nurturing deity who watches out for those in need. He speaks in a soft elderly voice and is empathetic and philosophical in speech. His most devout followers tend to carry on this welcoming presentation.   Although he is likely to forgive minor evil acts, Pelor despises all things dark and evil and does not tolerate worship of an evil aligned faith.  


While The Lunar Guide provides guidance during the night, the Dawnfather is always there during the day. As a god of healing, his powers are extended through mortal clerics and paladins to keep civilisations thriving. Curing diseases, healing wounds of battle-worn soldiers, illuminating darkness cast by evil-doers, etc.   Similar to The Great Mother, Pelor is at constant conflict with Zehir, who is the origin of disease.  


Due to the common belief of the worlds origin, The Dawnfather was awoken from a dormant Divine Spark found by Chauntea in the Sun she birthed.   See The Creation Myth.   Pelor was involved in the The Dawn War, its name actually coming from The Dawnfather. After Ioun devised the ritual of sealing that would imprison Tharizdun, it took the full power of Pelor and the sun to cast the ritual. It took several years for Pelor to recover, and the sun dimmed during this period.   The Divine War was said to have started with a conflict between followers of The Dawnfather and the The Night Mistress. Shar tried to kill Pelor, but Selune blotted out the sun with a Lunar Eclipse, protecting him but also weakening him. This escalated into the battle of gods and mortals that led to the The Cataclysm.  


Pelor is very commonly worshipped in established civilisation by both the devout and commonfolk. Healers revere him for the magic he can provide, and carers look to him for his teachings. His worshippers are kind and nurturing and his paladins are some of the most loyal people you can find.   Those who work in agriculture will typically worship The Dawnfather along with Chauntea, The Great Mother.   Highly devoted followers of Pelor distanced themselves from the church of the Raven Queen. While Pelor and the Matron were not enemies, followers of Pelor saw her as the antithesis of The Dawnfather.


It was believed that Ioun, The Knowing Mistress was born blind, and it was Pelor who was able to illuminate the world for her.   Vampires were said to have been cursed by Pelor after turning from his light in pursuit of pure evil. This is why they are weak to sunlight.


  • Be ever vigilant for evil. People are quick to forget the lessons of the past.
  • Help relieve the suffering of the innocent wherever it exists.
  • Deliver the light of the Dawnfather where darkness dwells, with kindness, compassion, and mercy.
The Dawnfather   Entity Type
Deity   Pantheon
    Perceived Gender
Masculine   Alignment
Neutral Good   Domains
Life, Light, Nature, Unity   Relationships
Chauntea, The Great Mother (ally)
Selune, The Lunar Guide (ally)
Tharizdun, The Chained Oblivion (enemy)
Shar, The Night Mistress (enemy)
Zehir, The Cloaked Serpent (enemy)
The Raven Queen (antithesis)   Home Plane
Elysium   Divine Realm
Fortress of the Sun   Holy Day(s)
Midsummer - Junes 18th
Breadgiving Day - Decus 18th

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