Irm Anore Settlement in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Irm Anore

Irm Anore is the largest and most established settlement in the Forests of Eldemur. It has the most structure architecture in the nation and the highest population.
It guards the only path to the lagoon at the centre of the Irm Anore mountain range, hence the same name. Because of it's protective role, one of the three Forest Matriarch must always be in attendance in the city.


The populations of High and Low Fae live side-by-side in Irm Anore as they do all across the Forests. The numbers of Low Fae outnumber the Elves. There are no class or wealth divides in Irm Anore. Generations ago there might have been divides of professions with Fae wanting to live closer to their respective work but since those homes remained as family and ancestral homes and Fae professions aren't passed now but chosen by skill, the professional housing divides disappeared.


Unlike the other settlements of Eldemur, who act individually and call upon the Matriarchs when in need of assistance, Irm Anore is governed specifically by the Three Forest Matriarchs. They have full power to run the city whenever they are in the city and one must always be present at all times. (All three regularly move around Eldemur, travelling or settling for a few decades at a time.)


Irm Anore is one of the only settlements in Eldemur to have a standing defensive force living in the city. These barracks of soldier exist to defend the Matriarchs and the passge to the mountains of Irm Anore.

Industry & Trade

The biggest export of Irm Anore is their crops but they also trade in other goods such as clothes, seeds, medicines and even musical instruments.


The city is split into two defined districts; the Upper city and the Lower City. Neither district is demographically different.
The Upper city consists entirely of the elevated buildings built into and around the massive redwoods of the city. All of these treehouse structures are connected by bridges and walkways. The homes vary from treehouses to homes carved into the trees to nests hanging above and below the walkways. Some buildings are more accessible than others for example, the plaza has multiple bridges spanning off it to other public space whereas a residence may only have one bridge for privacy reasons. The only entrance to the Irm Anore Mountains is from a bridge connected to the Matriarchs' Council Building.
The upper and lower districts are connected by spiral walkways down the trees.
The lower district varies from cabin homes and chalets to tunnel homes and cosy hovels. There are many orchards, farms and flower plots in which the homes are dotted in between.


The city is known for its wealth of crops, fruit and flowers and its botanical prosperity. With the exception of flora specific to other Fae lands, the soils of Irm Anore can grow any and all plants with better quality, size and nutrients. 
Irmians are also known for their handcrafted musical instruments and their beautiful music, the likes of which many visit the city to experience.
Eldemur is the only place in the Fae Realm where trees grow beyond their normal size and attain massive scale. It is said the magic of the Forest Low and Elves is what creates this, as they bury their dead in the ground where their magic seeps into the soil.

Points of interest

There is always music playing in Irm Anore. No matter the time or place, one can always hear a song being played even if its faintly from a distance.


All are welcome at Hearth and Home.
That is one of the main creeds of the Green Pantheon and no Forest Fae would ever deny a traveller from their hearth. Because of this and their friendly nature, Irm Anore has a high tourism rate. 
Fae come from all over to buy from their wares and for their music and festivals.


The city lies at the only entrance to the path through the Irm Anore mountain range, within which lies a lagoon known for its rare healing powers. The likes of this lagoon and its properties are found nowhere else in the Realm. The city guards the pass to the lagoon. It has a plethora of flora within and without the city boundaries, the most common of which being massive Redwoods. These trees are what hold up the upper city of Irm Anore.
Constantly Fluctuating
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank

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