Unseelie Queen's Staff Item in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Unseelie Queen's Staff

217 centimetres (85 inches) of exclusive obsidian form the base of this stunning staff. Carved and curved intertwining branches wrapping around each other create the entire staff, giving it a twisting look, with a strong handle, which has been wrapped in reptilian leather. Some of the branches have been infused with ancient runes.
The bottom ends in several intertwining obsidian branches ending in a point. The edges of the base have been filed down to create a subtle blade that is few would notice.
The top is made out of magnificent obsidian and primal crystal. The five points of the intertwining branches that make up the staff curl around the top in a twirling motion. The jagged branches reach upwards, curving in slightly like a witch’s gnarled hand, around a cluster of primal crystal that glow, red, purple and orange.

The Unseelie Queen's staff was her preferred weapon over her sword. She was never depicted without it and she preferred the use of her magics over the physicality of a sword. The ancient staff is legendary not only because of it's owner but because it is rumoured to amplify one's magic beyond what any modern Fae staff can. It is also rumoured to incinerate any who attempt to wield it and it is an accepted fact that only Una or her heir could ever do so.

After Una's death, the staff was bequeathed to the Ash Fae leader of the time, who became the first Ash Queen. Over the generations the staff has passed from monarch to monarch, and is the most protected and cherished artefact of the entire Ash Fae people even if few ever even see it.

Manufacturing process

This sword is one of the only remaining relics of the Primordial Fae. It's craftsmanship is more refined and splendid than even Fae craftsmanship.


The staff used by the Unseelie Queen and her most favoured possession. It is a priceless and ancient artefact that became legendary in its own right and just as famous as its owner.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Related ethnicities
Owning Organization
One of a Kind.
85 inches
Base Price

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