Ash Fae Royal Family Organization in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Ash Fae Royal Family

The Underdalls are an abnormally large High Fae family that inherited the leadership position of the Ash Fae after the death of the Unseelie Queen. The unusually large number of offspring in each generation will fight each other tooth and nail to be named the successor to the throne until the time comes for one to be crowned.
They are a family of backstabbers and blackmailers and villains. Siblings and cousins rarely hail from the same set parents and there is no loyalty among any of them outside of alliances made for personal gain.
Given that the Underdalls embody the truest nature of the Ash Fae, there is a high death toll among the family generations both before and after a coronation. Siblings and cousins will murder each other to get the top spot and the one crowned King or Queen rarely allows their competitors to live. After a coronation only one or two of each generation will remain after having allied together.

It is customary for the ruling monarch to have many consorts alongside their spouse and children born from those consorts have just as much a claim to their parent's throne as the legitimate children. It is expected for the monarch to do as much as is necessary as to have multiple children even if those children must come from lower born Ash Fae. Many consorts attempt to curry power and favour through their position and through the generations there have even been some who have been seen as the true rulers of the South through their monarch lover.
For a child to succeed to the throne they have to prove themselves to their monarch parent, whether that be through deceit and manipulation, sheer power and skill or with the assistance of others. It is a bloody and dangerous battle as each child spend centuries trying to outdo their competitors, until the King or Queen dies.

The current Ash King is Dathanar Underdall, third born son of Queen Caeldis. His younger twin and younger sister were the only siblings he left alive after his coronation. Of the thirteen competing Underdalls of their generation, Dathanar left only two others living.
In comparison the mere eight members of the next generation is quite small especially when considering two have already perished.


The only set defined structure in the Family is the power of the King or Queen. Other than that any child can rise to or steal the crown prince or princess title and any consort or spouse can be the one to have the monarch's ear. The power dynamics change often and violently and one must always be wary once in a position of power lest it be stolen along with their life.


The Underdalls are the very definition of the Ash Folk. They are scheming conniving, and suspicious of everything and everyone. Everything they do is a plot, everything they say is a manipulation.
Never trust a Fae, especially not an Ash Fae and never ever make a deal with an Underdall.

Public Agenda

The Underdalls want to keep their power. They want to remain the ruling body of the South and they will crush any idea that says otherwise. They uphold the traditions of the Ash and do right by their people on a whole even if they hurt individuals.


The Underdalls are in possession of an artefact of the Unseelie Queen. Her staff, the one she wielded in battle and used for her daily life and magic was entrusted to the family to protect. They boast frequently about having it but would never allow anyone outside of the reigning monarch to see or know its location.


The Underdalls were the first Ash Elf family to reach out to the Unseelie Queen, Una on behalf of their entire people. It was a young Underdall who sought audience before her and requested a faction as the Forest Folk had been given from Titania. The South had been suffering under an onslaught of volcanic eruptions and every attempt they made to colonise their lands was being destroyed.  It was the Underdalls who led the rescue parties sent by Una, and the Underdalls who built the first settlement of the South, Lararius. Young Underdalls travelled the entire length of the Southern Territories to teach and assist their people in building homes. The first Underdall who reached out to Una was granted a place in her palace court, as a speaker and representative of the Ash Folk and Ash Low. That young fae grew into the matriarch of a family that stood at the Unseelie Queens side for generations and they continued to do so even when war waged.
After her death, the people of the South never questioned that an Underdall would lead them and turned to the family near immediately for support and guidance. An Underdall has remained in the role of Ash King or Queen ever since.


The armies of the South answer solely to the Underdalls and it is not uncommon for children within the family to assume rank within the military as squadron commanders after graduating as a way to gain prestige and reputation with their monarch parent.

Foreign Relations

The Underdalls are hostile to outsiders as all Ash Folk are. The only exception would the Blood Fae who they view as age old allies having shared the title of Unseelie court with them under Una's rule.
Anyone else is met with threats and animosity and anything otherwise is seen as a weakness.
Political, Family
Alternative Names
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Palace economy
Legislative Body
The Ash King/Queen
Judicial Body
Ash Folk Nobles
Controlled Territories
Related Items
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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