Lalarius Settlement in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Lalarius is the largest settlement in the South, its capital and the seat of the Ash Fae royal family. The large fortress city is built into the side of the southern most volcano of the territory. 
It is home to the royal family, many noble aristocrat families, wealthy merchants, skilled crafters, soldiers and common folk alike. 
All who live here are connected in some way, whether it be a noble who sits on the King's counsel, a servant in the castle or an aristocrat's home, a merchant who supplies the castle or the common folk, or a crafter who's commodities sell expensively to the nobles.
Their port is the largest one in the country and brings large commerce and income to the city as the talented crafters of the city sell their wares to the other courts for large sums.


All Ash Elves in the city are nobles or aristocrats. Those that aren't, are wealthy merchants, famed hunters and artisan crafters. Many of the aristocrats are also artist, crafters and hunters who find acclaim and fame for their work. There are no elves in Lalarius below merchant status.
The Low Fae are more varied. They range from among noble families to merchants to the common folk that work for them to the crafters and hunters that make the wares sold in the markets.


The Ash King has a council of nobles for counsel and to enact his orders. They pay higher taxes than other citizens for their seat the table. All Ash Fae pay taxes to the royal family but the rates are defined by wealth, location and status to be ensure the Fae only pays what they can.


Lalarius has a large military presence. Being the home seat of the king it is where soldiers are trained, where they are barracked, where their generals and commanders call home.
Most of the heirs of the Royal Family train in military prowess. Each commander a squadron of knights and each pushes their squadron to be the best. Because of this these squadrons are some of the most skilled and refined warriors in the Realm.

Industry & Trade

Rare materials combined with the most skilled fae crafters make ash wares worth a fortune to other courts and the other always pay it for the high quality good they provide.


The road leading directly to the Fortress is lined with wealthy and expensive shops and fancy restaurants and cafes. The surrounding streets are also lined with shops and populated by merchants. These streets are made impassable to by large and colourful markets to anyone except those on foot. These markets are covered from ash fall by bright materials that act as tent roofs. This district is inhabited by the merchants, both wealthy and otherwise. The nobles and aristocrats of Lalarius live of the outer left flank of the city where they have large manor homes and estates.
Between the noble district and the shopping district live the common folk of the city, those who work in the castle, the docks, the nobles home.
The docks and the warehouses can be found on the right flank of the city. They too are separated from the shopping district by the homes of the common Ash Fae people.
On the outer edges of the city, at the South where the city can be entered, are the homes and barracks of the soldiers. These homes range in quality based on the individual's rank and wage. The soldiers without families all live in the barracks.
The hunts that are carried out near constantly in Lalarius bring rare loot that can be found nowhere else.
  The skilled artisans and crafter that call Lalarius home bring great acclaim and renown to their city. They are known for making beautiful and refined work.
Rare materials found in and around the area of Lalarius and the talented crafter that make them, make for famously strong armour and weapons that are coveted across the Realm but are rarely sold to non-Ash Fae for the exact reason they are wanted.


The hunts that are carried out near constantly in Lalarius bring rare loot that can be found nowhere else.
The skilled artisans and crafter that call Lalarius home bring great acclaim and renown to their city. They are known for making beautiful and refined work.
Rare materials found in and around the area of Lalarius and the talented crafter that make them, make for famously strong armour and weapons that are coveted across the Realm but are rarely sold to non-Ash Fae for the exact reason they are wanted.

Guilds and Factions

The factions and the guilds in the city all give their allegiance to one of the heirs of the Royal Family. These include merchant guilds, and noble families and factions.
The support an heir has is a large influencer in who takes the throne and all the heirs fight to earn, steal and create that support.
Many military squadrons also show favour towards certain heirs, as do the common people and both also have influencer in who becomes the crown heir.


The city was built around the fortress home of the royal family, then only a noble family, and the port which is the largest in the land. The city originally started as a small community of Fae who worked in the fort. As the influence of the Underdalls and their huge port trade grew, more moved there and the city grew outwards until it became the largest in The South.
The Underdalls had always been strong supporters and allies of the Unseelie Queen and that favour they incurred as a result grew their impromptu city even more. When the queen fell and the Underdalls became the new royals of the Ash, it was only natural that their city would be their royal seat.


The Cold Hunt and the coming of Age Hunt on the Winter Solstice draw large crowds from other nations as they come to watch and take part in the hunts and gain fame for taking down rare and dangerous beasts.
Fae travel from all of the Realm to visit the markets of Lalarius. The goods sold there are known for their exquisite quality and rarity and the tourists pay top gold for the right to say they own Ash Fae goods.


The fortress at the back of the city is build entirely from obsidian bricks and backs onto the volcano. It's surrounding keep and walls are built of the same. Banners with the crest of the Underdalls fly from every tower and parapet. The rest of the city is built from stone. There are no homes or buildings made from wood or anything else flammable as they would inevitably be destroyed, being so close to the volcano. 
The city is drab and utilitarian in design but the Ash Folk still enjoy burst of colour; glowing fireblooms in planters at windows, murals made with coloured ash stains, stained glass in windowpanes, etc. They have shopping boardwalks with bright markets and merchants set out actual shops with taverns and bars scattered through. 
The homes and estates of the nobles and aristocrats are a bit less pragmatic and are more elegant in design. Where the majority of the city leave their homes as they are built and add small touches of colour, the nobles sometimes have their entire mansion painted.


Lalarius borders the East coast and the Southern most volcano. The Fort is built partially into the volcano.
Being so close to the volcano brings near constant high temperatures to the city that only wane when the volcano goes dormant for the cold season.

Natural Resources

There are many natural resources in the lands surrounding the capital of the South. These include entire fields of fireblooms that grow where the volcano spews rivers of magma, obsidian mined from within the volcanoes and the resources from the constant hunts. The city also sees more ash fall than other areas meaning they have more ash for the uses they utilise it for such as agriculture, dyes or art.
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