Wyvern Species in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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The Wyvern is a Southern Territory Draconic Beast. They are extremely dangerous and have on occasion injured or eaten Fae before. They reside on the Floating Islands of the South for the most part, with the only exception being a clan that resides within the Dukedom of Malforte at the Boiled Man's Pass

Basic Information


The Wyvern has four limbs, two hind legs and a set of wings. This is what sets it apart from the other draconic species.
Their hides are covered in thick scales, under which currents of magma-like light can be glimpsed. Their form is very muscular, making it harm to damage them even if a weapon pierces their scales.
They typically have many horns on their heads, with the minimum being two.
They breathe fire and prefer scorching temperatures.
A rare feature found in Wyverns, not held in any other draconic beasts, is their eyes. The eyes resemble the opalite found in the South, known as black opal. They have no iris nor pupil merely a black surface cracked with a rainbow of colour. The eye of a Wyvern is seen as incredibly valuable.

Biological Traits

Scale Colourations seem to pass down in familial clans and it is theorised that a Wyvern with a scale colour different to its clan will leave to start its own.

Genetics and Reproduction

Wyvern lay eggs in clutches of 6. Of these 6, only 2 will hatch whilst the others petrify. Once hatched the young Wyvern will fight to the death to be the sole occupant of the nest.

Growth Rate & Stages

When newly hatched, a Wyvern equals the size of an elf's forearm. The fully grown size has never been recorded by there are records of Wyverns equalling the size of the Malforte Dukedom Castle and even tales of one that matches the size of the royal Palace in Lalarius.

Ecology and Habitats

Wyverns require extreme temperatures to be comfortable. This is why the Malforte Wyverns live near the Boiling Man's Pass and the rest of the Wyverns on the Floating Islands where the crystals exude a heat too strong for many creatures to bear. They cannot however withstand lava.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wyverns are carnivores and will eat almost anything they encounter if they are large enough to consume it. This includes all species of Fae.

Biological Cycle

Every cold season when the volcanoes stop, the Wyverns of the Floating Islands descend to the mainland to hunt. Because of this they are often caught up in the The Cold Hunt of the Ash Folk where their numbers are quelled.


Wyverns are quite intelligent beasts. Whilst still being wild beasts, they gather in family clans, recognise threats or intent to do harm (or otherwise) and possibly understand speech. There have even been tales of Wyverns being tamed and ridden however these have never been proved. The closest case to this is the 'respect' shown between the Malforte Wyverns and the Duke of Malforte whom they seem to obey in a loose sense. But in general they are wild, ferocious creatures known for attacking all they encounter.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The hierarchy within a Wyvern clan seems to depend on size and the resulting strength. Larger Wyverns, usually the parents or even grandparents of a clan, are the strongest. The smaller Wyverns need to be respectful or they risk getting torn in two.
There is no social hierarchy within regards to eating however as all Wyverns find their own food, with the exception of hatchings that are fed by their mother.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

If a Wyvern can be killed, almost every part of it is valuable to the Ash Folk. The scale, claws, teeth and hides make for expenses resources to trade. The meat is a delicacy to them and their eyes are one of the most precious gemstones they can find, being essentially an orb of Black Opal the size of a fist to a head or even larger.

Additional Notes

The Malforte Wyverns are identifiable by their blacks scales that have an iridescent sheen. There have been variations of this over the generations, for example colour blends of black and another colour or wyverns lacking the iridescence. 
At current time there are no records of any variations of note in the Malforte Clan. However the newest Grand duke has been reluctant to allow scholars access to determine the validiaty of this statement and he refuses to provide it himself.
Geographic Distribution

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