Boiled Man's Pass Geographic Location in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Boiled Man's Pass

The Boiled Man's Pass is the range of volcanic mountains separating the Southern Territories from the Red Sea. It is impassable by land and can only be crossed by a series of tunnels running through the volcanoes. Only the Ash Folk of the nearby villages know this path through the tunnels. 
To attempt to cross the Pass on land is to be burned by the eruptions and magma rivers and attempting to take the tunnel path without a guide leads to wandering into a wrong tunnel that is connected to a volcano and being cooked alive.


The Pass is covered entirely by active volcanoes. They all regularly erupt, adding to the ash cloud above the South and covering the pass with lava and magma. There are constant dangerously high temperatures. There is no way to cross the pass and survive.
The volcanoes all have a series of tunnels running through them made from dried up lava rivers. These tunnels are always spreading out and corroding new tunnels. Only the Ash Folk know which tunnels are still connected to lava rivers and which aren't. The tunnels with active rivers have unbearably high temperatures and stumbling into one means certain death.


Very few beasts live in the Pass and no Fae do at all. Some beasts make their homes in the inactive magma tunnels and the Fae who know the routes take care to avoid those tunnels along with the active ones.

Ecosystem Cycles

During the cold season when the volcanoes go dormant, the Pass is still just as deadly as the lava begins to cool and harden but takes quite a while to do so because of the permanently hot temperatures. Because of this the ground can appear as rock on the surface when in actuality it is only a thin layer of cool magma that can be easily broken by a foot walking on it. 
The tunnels are dangerous for the same reasons as the active river tunnels become indistinguishable from the inactive and an unwitting Fae could easily wander into the tunnel thinking it to be just a tunnel with a stable floor and instead fall into a still-cooling river of lava.

Fauna & Flora

The Pass has an abundance of Flash Flares, also known as Fireblooms that grow near magma rivers. Unlike in the rest of the South however, they Flash Flares that grow here die within a day of flowering because of the temperatures.

Natural Resources

The Pass has no known resources that can be harvested. This is likely because no one has ben foolish enough to attempt to discover anything within the volcanoes. Any kind of mining operation would result in more deaths than could ever be profitable.


No one crosses the Pass without a guide. Even with a guide, few prefer it to the simpler option of taking a ship. However those that do want to travel the Pass will always need to hire a guide from a nearby Ash village which provides a bump in economy for the small communities.
Mountain Range
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species

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