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A Fork in the Road

Plot points/Scenes

Scene 1: Aboard the FAS Phoenix Ascendant - Flagship of the SFA Navy and Battlegroup New Dawn
  The PCs land the Ace of Knaves aboard the ship and are taken under armed - but not hostile - guard to private room where they will meet with Commander Elyria Voss and Captain Lorian Steele.
  There they will receive a somewhat guarded explanation of the history of the Sycorax System with few details about the Sycoran Civil War.
  If they are forthcoming that they are Lancers/Mercenaries then Commander Elyria Voss will offer them employment. Should they refuse she will explain that the gate that took them here is inactive on this side and admit that she does not know how to activate it from this side. Perhaps there is a signal similar to the one they already used that can get them out? Who has access to it? Does anyone? Perhaps the Sycoran Martial Council.
  Regardless of whether or not they accept work for the Sycorax Free Alliance, Commander Elyria Voss will adamantly insist that they allow her engineers to access their mechs' onboard computers. It is up to them to bargain for something in return. Perhaps access to her codex? Her tech?
  Scene 2: Briefing Room aboard the FAS Phoenix Ascendant
  Here they will receive their briefing and sitrep for either mission they choose.
  Mission 1: A Thirsty Caravan
  Fuel Station Barghest is an outer station owned by the Sycoran Martial Council in a nearboy asteroid cluster. The Sycorax Free Alliance needs to refuel their fleet, and fast. This will be a timed raid - the SFA cannot hold the station against a retaliatory strike by the SMC. Shock and awe wins this fight. Board the refueling gunships and download the access codes from the flight leader's computer to infiltrate the control center of the refueling station and refuel Battlegroup New Dawn... Oh, and be quick about it.
  Mission 2: Homecoming
  The Sycorax Free Alliance once called the deadly swamps of Trinculo home until the Sycoran Martial Council found where they were. In the ensuing bombardment and escape from the base, several important documents were lost, including a list of spies and informants working from within the Sycoran Martial Council. Intelligence has spotted SMC Operator teams searching the compound. They've been delayed by booby traps left behind as well as the local flora and fauna, but we don't have long to act and protect our spies.
  You will start by being dropped deep in the swamps near the abandoned base and make your way there. Beware of local wildlife.
Plot type
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