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Commander Elyria Voss (EH-LEE-REE-UH)

Commander Elyria Voss

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Elyria Voss was born on Caliban before it fell under the oppressive rule of the Sycoran Martial Council. She grew up in a modest family and bore witness to the gradual erosion of civil liberties and the brutality of the council's enforcers.  

Military Academy

Elyria's desire for justice and her fascination with technology led her to enroll in the Sycoran Military Academy at a young age. There, she excelled in her studies, particularly in electronic warfare and cyber tactics. It was during this time that she caught the attention of her future commanding officer, High Marshal Thalos Ryn .  

Mentorship Under High Marshal Thalos Ryn 

Elyria became Thalos Ryn's protege, working closely with him on various missions. She admired his strategic brilliance and unwavering discipline. Thalos, in turn, recognized Elyria's exceptional talents in electronic warfare and promoted her to the position of First Officer aboard his flagship, the SMS Vindicator.  

Diverging Paths

As Elyria rose through the ranks, she started to see the darker side of the Sycoran Martial Council's rule. Thalos, however, remained loyal to the regime. Their paths began to diverge as Elyria became increasingly disillusioned with the council's actions and Thalos's willingness to carry out orders without question.  

Orbital Bombardment

The turning point came when Elyria was ordered to participate in an orbital bombardment of a civilian settlement suspected of harboring rebel forces. Horrified by the loss of innocent lives, she refused to comply with the order and openly challenged Thalos's authority.  

Joining the SFA

Elyria's refusal led to her expulsion from the Sycoran military and marked her as a traitor in the eyes of the Sycoran Martial Council. She joined the Sycoran Free Alliance, where her skills in electronic warfare made her a valuable asset. Over time, she rose to become the leader of the resistance.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Operation Cold Call

This operation was a daring and highly complex mission executed by Elyria and her SFA forces. Its primary objective was to infiltrate and disable a key Sycoran Martial Council communication hub responsible for coordinating the oppressive regime's military actions. The success of Operation Cold Call had a domino effect, leading to a series of victories for the SFA across the star system.   This accomplishment not only showcased Elyria's exceptional leadership and strategic skills but also demonstrated the SFA's capability to challenge the council's authority effectively. It became a turning point in the Sycoran civil war, rekindling hope among the oppressed populace.

Failures & Embarrassments

During a critical phase of the resistance's efforts, Elyria made a difficult decision to prioritize the safety of the SFA by betraying a trusted ally who had valuable information about the Sycoran Martial Council's plans. This ally, who had sacrificed much for the resistance, was subsequently captured and subjected to brutal interrogation by the council's agents.   Elyria's choice to betray this ally, even in the face of her commitment to the SFA's cause, haunted her. It was a moral compromise she believed was necessary for the greater good, but it left her with a profound sense of guilt and self-doubt. The consequences of this betrayal would continue to test her leadership and her ability to reconcile her actions with her values.

Mental Trauma

  • Paranoia: The constant threat of capture, betrayal, or assassination by the Sycoran Martial Council can lead to persistent stress and paranoia, impacting her mental health.
  • Survivor's Guilt: As a leader, Elyria may have experienced situations where members of her team or allies were injured or killed while she survived. Survivor's guilt can lead to feelings of self-blame and anguish.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Adaptability: In the ever-evolving landscape of war and resistance, Elyria's adaptability is a key asset. She can adjust her strategies and tactics to respond to new threats, technological developments, and enemy countermeasures.
  • Decision-Making Under Pressure: Elyria's ability to make sound decisions under intense pressure is a critical intellectual characteristic. Her composure and clarity of thought in high-stakes situations inspire confidence in her subordinates.
  • Strategic Networking: Elyria understands the importance of building alliances and maintaining a network of contacts within the SFA and among sympathetic factions. Her ability to foster collaboration strengthens the resistance's overall capabilities.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Freedom and Justice: Elyria believes in the fundamental right of all individuals to live in a society that values freedom, justice, and equality. She sees the oppressive rule of the Sycoran Martial Council as a grave injustice and a violation of these core principles.
  • Sacrifice for the Greater Good: Elyria holds that individuals, including herself, must be willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. She understands that difficult choices may need to be made in the pursuit of freedom, even if they come at a personal cost.
  • Protecting the Vulnerable: Elyria's moral center places a strong emphasis on protecting the vulnerable and innocent. She is deeply affected by the suffering of civilians caught in the crossfire of the civil war and is committed to minimizing harm to non-combatants.
  • Ethical Warfare: Elyria is committed to waging warfare in an ethical manner, avoiding unnecessary harm and destruction whenever possible. She believes that maintaining the moral high ground is essential to winning the hearts and minds of the Sycoran people and garnering international support.
  • Redemption and Forgiveness: Elyria holds that individuals who have committed wrongs, such as former members of the Sycoran Military, can seek redemption and forgiveness by joining the cause of freedom and working to undo the harm they may have caused.


  • Mistreatment of captives: Elyria insists that all captured enemies, regardless of their affiliation, are treated humanely, provided with essential necessities, and protected from harm. She believes that such treatment is not only morally right but also serves to distinguish the Sycoran Free Alliance from the oppressive Sycoran Martial Council.
  • Torture: Elyria would prohibit any form of torture or brutal interrogation methods. She maintains that extracting information through cruelty is both unethical and counterproductive, as it can lead to unreliable intelligence and damage the alliance's reputation.
  • Unfair Trial: She insists on fair and transparent trials for captured enemies, ensuring that they have the opportunity to defend themselves and that justice is served in accordance with the alliance's principles.

Personality Characteristics


Elyria's decision to lead the SFA is driven by a deep sense of responsibility for the suffering of her people and a desire for justice. She is determined to liberate Sycorax from the oppressive regime, even if it means facing her former mentor and commanding officer in battle.
Current Status
Leading the Sycorax Free Alliance
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
150 lb.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In these darkest of times, we'll light the way to a brighter future."
Aligned Organization
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