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High Marshal Thalos Ryn (TH-AY-LOW-SS R-I-N)

High Marshal Thalos Waruum Ryn

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Background and Early Life: High Marshal Thalos Ryn was born into a family with a long and distinguished military history within the Sycoran society. From an early age, Thalos was groomed for leadership and endured rigorous military training and education.   Rise to Power: Thalos's rise to power was marked by a series of decisive victories in key battles against external threats to Sycorax, namely The Entity and its forces. These victories solidified his reputation as a formidable military leader and earned him the respect of both the military and the ruling elite.


Early Military Training:

Thalos Ryn's education began at an early age, as he was born into a family with a long-standing military tradition. He started with basic combat training, physical conditioning, and discipline. His family's influence secured him a place at one of Sycorax's prestigious military academies.  

Military Academy:

He attended the renowned Sycorax Military Academy, where he received a comprehensive education in various military disciplines. His studies included strategy and tactics, weapons and technology, leadership and command, as well as ethics and codes of conduct.  

Leadership Training:

His leadership training emphasized discipline, decision-making under pressure, and the responsibilities of command. He learned to inspire loyalty and respect from his subordinates, a skill that would serve him well in his future military career.  

Mech Pilot Training:

In addition to his command training, Thalos also underwent mech pilot training, mastering the art of piloting advanced combat mechs. This dual education made him a well-rounded military leader who could both strategize on a grand scale and lead from the frontlines.  

Advanced Studies and Graduation:

Upon completing his initial education, Thalos pursued advanced studies in military theory and interstellar warfare. He graduated from the academy with top honors and earned a commission as an officer in the Sycoran military.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The Battle of the Veridian Nebula:

  Before the outbreak of the civil war, High Marshal Thalos Ryn led a Sycoraxian fleet in a decisive and historic battle known as the Battle of the Veridian Nebula. The Veridian Nebula was a strategically crucial region in the Sycoran star system, and control of it was fiercely contested.   Thalos Ryn's brilliant tactical maneuvers and leadership abilities allowed the Sycoran Martial Council to secure a resounding victory in the battle. The battle resulted in the complete elimination of a powerful rebel faction that had long posed a threat to Sycorax's central authority.   His victory at the Veridian Nebula not only solidified Sycorax's control over the region but also earned him widespread acclaim and recognition as a military genius. Thalos became a hero in the eyes of many within the system and was promoted to the position of Fleet Admiral, a prestigious and influential role within the Sycoran military.   This accomplishment was a turning point in Thalos Ryn's career and marked the peak of his prestige and influence before the tragic events of the civil war unfolded. It serves as a stark contrast to his later actions and decisions during the conflict

Failures & Embarrassments

One of Thalos Ryn's significant failures is his inability to prevent the outbreak of the civil war in the Sycorax star system. Despite his impressive military career and strategic prowess, he couldn't foresee or prevent the deep-seated divisions and conflicts that eventually led to the devastating war. This failure haunts him, mainly because he believes that his leadership should have been able to keep the system united. This failure has had lasting consequences, such as the loss of many lives and the destruction of critical infrastructure. It has caused a rift between him and certain factions within Sycorax who blame him for the conflict, even if it wasn't entirely his fault.   Dealing with this failure is an ongoing personal struggle for Thalos Ryn, and it motivates his decisions as he seeks to rebuild and secure the system's future.

Morality & Philosophy

High Marshal Thalos Ryn is known for his unwavering dedication to duty and the well-being of his people. He leads by example, often participating in frontline battles alongside his troops and mech pilots. His stoic demeanor and calm under pressure are admired by many but also feared by those who oppose him.   As High Marshal, the pressures of command torture him with horrific visions of what may lie beyond the old jump points. Having never fully recovered from his encounters with The Entity, he endeavors to strengthen Sycorax against the horrors of the unknown that lie beyond the Sycoraxian borders.


Disdain for Mercenaries:

Thalos Ryn has a strong aversion to hiring mercenaries or foreign forces to support Sycoran military operations. He views it as a betrayal of Sycoran values and a sign of weakness, preferring to rely solely on native Sycoran military strength.
Current Status
Lost in the maze
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Currently Held Titles
Current Residence
SMS Vindicator
White, Well kempt
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, Wrinkled
225 lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The Assembly will sit and listen as they have for millennia, but I will act to save Sycorax."
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations