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Princess Suntar

Princess Suntar

Princess Suntar, the eldest living daughter of the Queen of Air and Darkness, is a figure of calculated ambition and shadowy allure within the Unseelie Court. With dark purple skin reminiscent of twilight and flowing raven-black hair that seems to absorb the surrounding shadows, she cuts a striking figure. Adorning herself in dresses of dark and flattering colors, Princess Suntar moves through the court with an air of regal confidence, her every step echoing a quiet determination.   Born into the intricate web of the Unseelie Court's politics, Suntar has grown into a master tactician. She harbors an insatiable desire to rise above her siblings and claim the coveted title of Crown Princess. Her schemes are like the threads of a spider's web, carefully woven to ensnare those who might stand in her way. Suntar's loyalty to her mother, the Queen, is unwavering, and she seeks to please the enigmatic ruler in order to earn the respect and recognition required for her ascent.   Her attire mirrors her ambition, as dark colors become symbols of her allegiance to the darkness and her aspirations for the throne. Yet, beneath the polished exterior lies a mind that constantly calculates and plots. Princess Suntar navigates the treacherous waters of the Unseelie Court, where shadows conceal as much as they reveal, with a keen intellect and a subtle, yet undeniable, thirst for power.   As she strives to please her mother, Suntar becomes a master of courtly intrigue, blending cunning with elegance to ensure she remains in the Queen's favor. Her path is fraught with challenges, but Princess Suntar remains poised, ever ready to seize the opportunities that may lead her to the title she covets – Crown Princess of the Unseelie Court.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Princess Suntar, born into the illustrious lineage of the Unseelie Court, emerged into the Feywild with a spirit as fierce and untamed as the shadows that cloaked her realm. From a young age, she exhibited a cunning intellect and a fierce ambition, traits that would shape her tumultuous journey through the halls of power and intrigue. Opposing her sister, Princess Morrigan, became second nature to Suntar, as the two siblings clashed in a relentless pursuit of dominance and control. Their rivalry simmered beneath the surface of the Unseelie Court, fueling a bitter feud that echoed through the shadowed corridors of power.   In her quest for supremacy, Suntar found an unexpected ally in the form of Josef Asiago, the Ambassador of the Goblin Court. Despite their court's current opposition, Suntar and Josef forged a close bond, their flirtatious banter and shared thirst for knowledge binding them together in an intricate web of intrigue.   Together, Suntar and Josef exchanged secrets and plotted schemes, their alliance a testament to the shifting alliances and fragile loyalties that defined the fey realms. As the shadows of the Unseelie Court grew darker, Princess Suntar stood poised on the precipice of destiny, her ambitions burning bright amidst the ever-shifting tides of fey politics and power.


In the Unseelie Court, Princess Suntar's education was a blend of traditional teachings and shadowed intrigue, reflective of the court's enigmatic nature. From an early age, she was immersed in the dark arts and arcane mysteries that permeated the halls of her realm, honing her skills in manipulation, deception, and subterfuge. Under the tutelage of cunning advisors and seasoned courtiers, Suntar learned the art of political maneuvering and the subtle dance of fey politics. She studied ancient texts and lore, delving into the secrets of the Unseelie Court's dark history and unlocking the mysteries of shadow magic.   Yet, alongside her studies in the arcane and the occult, Suntar also received a comprehensive education in the arts of combat and warfare. Trained in the use of both blade and spell, she proved herself a formidable warrior, capable of holding her own in the treacherous landscapes of the Feywild.   But perhaps most importantly, Suntar's education in the Unseelie Court instilled within her a keen sense of ambition and ruthlessness, traits that would serve her well as she navigated the perilous waters of fey politics and power. In the shadows of her realm, she learned that survival often depended on one's ability to outwit and outmaneuver one's adversaries, and she embraced this ethos with a fierce determination that burned bright within her soul.

Morality & Philosophy

Princess Suntar's philosophy and sense of morality are deeply intertwined with the complex and often darkened ethos of the Unseelie Court. Raised in an environment where ambition reigns supreme and power is the ultimate currency, Suntar has internalized the belief that strength, cunning, and ruthlessness are essential qualities for survival in the cutthroat world of fey politics.   Her morality is shaded by the pragmatic realities of her realm, where the lines between right and wrong blur into a murky haze of gray. In the Unseelie Court, loyalty is a rare commodity, and alliances are forged and broken with the shifting tides of ambition and self-interest. Suntar understands that in order to thrive in such an environment, one must be willing to embrace deception, manipulation, and even betrayal if necessary.   However, beneath her calculating exterior lies a glimmer of humanity, a flicker of conscience that occasionally whispers of a different path. While she may not always heed its call, Suntar is not entirely devoid of empathy or compassion. In moments of rare vulnerability, she may show glimpses of genuine emotion, revealing a depth of character that belies her outward facade of cold indifference.   Ultimately, Princess Suntar's philosophy is one of self-preservation and advancement, driven by a relentless ambition to carve out her own destiny in the shadowed halls of the Unseelie Court. In a realm where power is the ultimate prize, she navigates the treacherous currents of fey politics with a steely resolve and a cunning intellect, ever mindful of the price of failure in a world where weakness is swiftly exploited and forgotten.


Social Aptitude

Poised and charismatic. Speaks when she needs to but prefers to plot with her allies at social gatherings.


Her voice is sultry and low.



Aunt (Vital)

Towards Princess Suntar



Princess Suntar

Niece (Vital)

Towards Cegilune



Prince Dark Obsidian


Towards Princess Suntar


Princess Suntar


Towards Prince Dark Obsidian


Prince Tadhg

Cousin (Important)

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Princess Suntar

Cousin (Important)

Towards Prince Tadhg



Morrigan Crowspire


Towards Princess Suntar


Princess Suntar


Towards Morrigan Crowspire


Josef Asiago

Friend (Vital)

Towards Princess Suntar



Princess Suntar

Friend (Vital)

Towards Josef Asiago




Josef developed a more-than-cordial relationship with Princess Suntar of the Unseelie Court, respecting her cunning intellect and being mesmerized by her beauty. They maintain a flirtationship but never pursue one another. The two often exchange information to aid each other in navigating the courtly intrigue of the Fey.

Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Princess of the Shadows
Current Residence
The Unseelie Court
Black irises
Long, flowing, dark purple tresses
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark purple like twilight
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
She is fluent in Sylvan, Abyssal, and Common.

Articles under Princess Suntar


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