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The Queen of Air and Darkness


Meet the Queen of Air and Darkness, the veiled sovereign of the Unseelie Court, a shadowy figure who rarely descends to the mortal realm, preferring to traverse the land as a cold wind, her presence an eerie whisper in the night. Once a sibling to Titania and Cegilune, her love for them has long since withered, replaced by a deep-seated resentment that simmers in the unseen corners of the Feywild.   The Queen's transformation began with a malevolent black diamond, a dark gift that corrupted her essence and twisted her once beautiful form into a haunting visage. Forsaking the Seelie Court, she birthed her own realm where darkness reigns supreme, her dominion extending over the Unseelie lands and those who swear allegiance to her enigmatic rule. Though not on speaking terms with Titania and merely tolerating Cegilune, the Queen's court is a testament to her fierce independence and the cunning that defines her reign.   A progenitor of many children, the Queen sets impossibly high standards for her offspring, and few have succeeded in earning her elusive favor. Despite her single status, she remains a difficult figure to please, avoiding the pursuit of a spouse and instead indulging in trysts with various lovers. Her court is an intricate web of shadows, secrets, and the ceaseless pursuit of power, a reflection of the Queen's unyielding nature and her unquenchable thirst for dominion over the dark realms of the Unseelie.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Queen of Air and Darkness, shrouded in mystery and enigma, rises like a shadowy figure from the depths of the Feywild's darkest recesses. Little is known of her origins or true name, for she veils herself in secrecy, obscuring her past in a cloak of whispers and half-truths.   Legend whispers of her once being a princess of the Unseelie Court, born into the lineage of ancient fey monarchs. However, her path diverged from the expected course when she became entangled with the legendary Black Diamond—an artifact of sinister power that whispered promises of dominion and control.   Corrupted by the dark allure of the Black Diamond, the princess embraced her newfound power, casting aside her former identity to become the Queen of Air and Darkness. With the jewel's malevolent influence coursing through her veins, she attempted to take control of the Seelie Court. After a historic battle against Titania and her allies, the Queen of Air and Darkness made the tactical decision to retreat. She fled the confines of the Unseelie Court, carving out her own realm of shadows and secrets in the depths of the Feywild.   Since then, the Queen of Air and Darkness has ruled over the Unseelie Court with an iron fist, her dominion extending over all who dwell within the shadowed realms of the Feywild. Though her true name remains shrouded in mystery, her reputation as a formidable and enigmatic ruler echoes throughout the ancient forests and twilight glades, striking fear into the hearts of those who dare to defy her rule.   While the Queen of Air and Darkness may have birthed many children through her various dalliances, her love for them is a complex and enigmatic matter. As a ruler driven by ambition and power, her familial relationships are often fraught with tension and manipulation, shaped by the intricate dynamics of fey politics and her own inscrutable motivations.   It is said that the Queen's love for her children is tempered by her own ambitions and desires, with each offspring seen as a potential pawn in her intricate schemes for dominance and control. While she may exhibit moments of affection and nurturing towards her progeny, these gestures are often overshadowed by her cold and calculating nature, as she seeks to mold her children into instruments of her will.   In the shadowed halls of the Unseelie Court, familial bonds are forged in the crucible of power and ambition, with love often taking a backseat to the ruthless pursuit of dominance. While the Queen may profess a maternal love for her children, it is a love tempered by the harsh realities of fey politics and the relentless pursuit of power.

Morality & Philosophy

The Queen of Air and Darkness adheres to a philosophy steeped in the shadows of ambiguity and moral ambiguity. As the ruler of the Unseelie Court, she navigates the intricate web of fey politics with a cunning and calculated demeanor, driven by a pragmatism that prioritizes the preservation of her power and dominion above all else. Her sense of morality is as twisted and murky as the depths of the darkest forest, shaped by the influences of the Black Diamond and the shadowy forces that whisper in the recesses of her mind. She is not bound by traditional notions of right and wrong, instead embracing a worldview that prizes strength, cunning, and the ruthless pursuit of her own interests.   To the Queen of Air and Darkness, power is the ultimate currency, and she wields it with a cold and calculating precision that brooks no opposition. She views loyalty as a transactional commodity, rewarding those who serve her interests while swiftly casting aside any who dare to defy her will.   In the shadows of her realm, morality is but a fleeting illusion, a faint echo of the whispers that haunt her dreams. To the Queen of Air and Darkness, the only truth that matters is the one she shapes with her own hands, a reality crafted from the darkness that dwells within her soul.

Personality Characteristics


The Queen of Air and Darkness seeks to rise above all other courts, especially the Seelie Court. She is out for petty revenge over small grievances but is willing to make peace when the mood strikes her. She seeks absolute power to protect her court and family.

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes feet Likes the night sky and dark spaces.

Representation & Legacy

The Black Diamond has been a symbol of the Queen since the founding of the Unseelie Court.



Sister (Important)

Towards The Queen of Air and Darkness


The Queen of Air and Darkness

Sister (Vital)

Towards Cegilune


The Queen of Air and Darkness

Sister (Important)

Towards Queen Titania



Queen Titania

Sister (Important)

Towards The Queen of Air and Darkness



Prince Tadhg

Nephew (Important)

Towards The Queen of Air and Darkness



The Queen of Air and Darkness

Aunt (Trivial)

Towards Prince Tadhg



Cegilune (Sister)
Queen Titania (Sister)
Completely black
Long, sleek, raven black.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gray violet
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Fluent in Common, Sylvan, and Abyssal.


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