Awarth Gurgoth Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Awarth Gurgoth

Awarth Gurgoth

The Tiefling progenitor(?) Much bigger than Alarë, who she takes a lot of interest in.  


  • Has been around 12,000 years (according to Awarth)
  • Is under a curse that she can't talk specifics about, as a part of said curse (according to Awarth)
  • Likes nursery rhymes
  • Unreliable Narrator
  • Powerful magic user (appeared to be able to watch over Alarë when she had a near death experience in The Glittering Chambers
  • Was banned from Dendomiel, Palace of Treaties for a long time, but was summoned back there by Alarë Awarthiel at Baalmon's request, breaking the seal.
  • Was also named Awarth Padavilya (Skywalker) at the time of the Empire, and was the head of the armies of fiends who were at war with the elves. (source, unnamed elven ghost who wielded Blackrazor to close the rift that the invasion came through)
  • Has immunity to low level magics.
  • Is not very happy about Qwyn stabbing their borrowed heart that originally belonged to Abaddon, the Destroyer 

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  Awarth has admitted that she's cursed, though cannot say who cursed her or what the curse is. She is evidently immortal and can speak all languages (Note from D.A. - this seemed very similar to the Tongues spell Alare is capable of, and could imply that Awarth is powerful enough to cast it on demand or has it permanently in effect). She asked Alarë if she wanted to live forever, and when Alarë said no, Awarth said "if asked now", she'd also say no. This makes it sound like her curse was something she chose, however unintentionally.   Though she can't speak of her curse specifically, Awarth did say that "All curses can be broken". When asked how we break it, she said:
"There's a place where I got this curse. If you go, it'll make it worse. If you asked for some help from that old shrivelled whelk in the sea then maybe you'll learn."
This potentially rules out Aboleth/Father as the curser, and verifies that he was alive when the curse happened, supporting the theory that he is the Creature of the Deep


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