Blackrazor Item in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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A powerful, named sword currently stuck inside a rift in the middle(?) of The Crater. Used to close the rift to [wherever fiends come from in this world] by its owner, utilising the 'power of an entire Moon' to do so.   Its holder was Queen Sindar (identified through Lucien's notes), a Shadowdancer and the person responsible for exploding Indruist and turning it into a crater (using a spell similar to the Scroll of the Comet one - source, Lucien researching it). Goldriver saw them in a Legend Lore casting. She was a tall slender elven woman who wore a crown. The Legend Lore showed her wielding the sword and using it to fell fiends as well as cast magic, and they also witnessed her use of it to close the rift when she was fully surrounded by enemies, slamming it into the ground to cast the magic. The spell ended there.   Blackrazor appears to be a longsword able to be used as a magical conduit or focus, that absorbed the souls(?) of fiends that it killed (NB do full fiends have souls or shadows? - D.A). It is unclear how similar its creation or makeup is to Thorn, though it looks similar, being black, formed of darkness and not a physical material. It sits in a jagged tear in space itself, with an orange light emanating from it. This description was from Goldriver scrying on it after the Legend Lore.  
Transcript of Qwyns conversation with the ghost   Qwyn: Where is your secret family treasure?   Ghost: Much of it was destroyed, lost, obliterated, in fact. Perhaps my sword, the focus of my spellcraft. That I drove into the very stonework.... foundation, the building beneath my feet. Yes. Perhaps my Blackrazor will still exist. If it does be at the epicenter. The heart of Indruist.   Qwyn: What happened to cause this crater?   Ghost: I did. The power of an entire moon focused on a single point. I obliterated the city.   Qwyn: Why did you obliterate the city with the moon?   Ghost: There was no other way to contain the rift. [We lost?...] the war, regardless of our Shadowdancers.   Qwyn: Was there a particular figure you were against in this war effort? What was the name of the person that you went to war with?   Ghost: We battled the hoards of fiends and those that they had turned. The fiendish hoards were nameless and endless. But the figure, the head who led our destruction was Awarth Padavilya.
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