Goldriver Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Goldriver (Elven: Sîrmalt) is an Elf with bronze skin and bright auburn hair. The most unique aspect of their appearance is their white-less eyes, with almost glowing golden irises. They always have a slight smile on their face, and any who have known them for a while would know the difference between their usual content smile and the one they wear to hide their desire to suplex whatever is irking them. As a priest of the Queen of Light, they spent most of their time within the walls of Ypakar, having grown up and spent most of their life in a settlement away from the city. When asked why they joined the order, Goldriver claims it to be their destiny. Goldriver has rarely left the city to visit nearby settlements to offer aid in the form of divine magic, teachings and construction. It’s all well and good to fight off abominations, but someone has to rebuild what’s left.   Although they can carry themselves with the dignity of a noble, they aren’t averse to getting their hands dirty, and has quite the rapport with the laborers and crafters, assisting in any way they can.   Goldriver’s goal is to establish another foothold in this shadow-ridden world for people to call home and to protect it with the light of their Queen.   Now has a left arm made entire of Cuithger which is Probably Fine.  

Team Roles:

Social: Enjoys engaging in polite conversation and can get quite passionate about their crafts and religion. Goldriver is here to spread the word and teachings of their Queen, seeking to convert people from outdated traditions by offering a better way.   Exploration: Goldriver is very much not a survivalist, coming from the biggest settlement known to mortals. They know how to ride a horse I guess?   Combat: Prefers to avoid conflict if avoidable, but once engaged will fight with impunity. Prefers to fight in the thick of it with mace and shield, defending their companions and drawing attention to themselves. Do not ask for heals.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Left arm now entirely made of Cuithger

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Goldriver was born(?) outside of Ypakar and apparently just wandered into the city a few decades ago. They are unwilling to talk about their original home, where it was normal to use Cuithger for body mods. It is worth noting that no other characters currently played, including the elven ones, knew a thing about this supposed Ancient Elven art. Goldriver respectfully declines to comment.   The golden patterns on their face have been confirmed by them to also be cuithger, which they stated had been in their body since they were born. This aided them in easily replacing an arm with the same material.

Mental Trauma

Constantly denied Downtime.




Towards Madelynne Elaga


Madelynne Elaga

trainee cleric

Towards Goldriver


white-less eyes, with almost glowing golden irises
bright auburn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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