Infernals Species in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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"We can make the assumption that the Infernals mentioned by Awarth are what we currently know as demons - creatures or entities that can be summoned into The Waking - an activity that is considered highly inadvisable and a dangerous shortcut to gain power.However for the Elven/Infernal war to have happened, they must have either once inhabited our world, invaded it somehow, or been summoned en masse, none of which are comforting thoughts."  
-Notes in Dalitar Amakiir's research journal, taken shortly after being retrieved from a deep hole.
  Notes added later on:
  • "Could the war have prompted either the event that caused The Loss or Corruption itself?
  • Does Awarth's interest in Infernal artifacts point to a link between them and Tieflings, or the Corruption problems they suffer from? Or could the war be related to her curse?"

Related information:

  • Diagram and notes copied from the Elven fortress ruin by Dalitar Amakiir on the weak points on some particular Infernals.


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