Oksana Bosko Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Oksana Bosko

"Pretty cool." - Princess Captain Reb Itto, Spirit Summoner, Curator, Vinculumancer, Attorney-at-Law
"Really fucking weird." - Councillor Kalli Nilsen, three times Ypakar Merchant of the Year Award Winner
"Foolhardy... Deceitful... An ungrateful little brat." - Professor Agata Bosko, esteemed arcanist and renowned scholar of Ypakar Conservatory
  Oksana Kysely Bosko is a 29 year old human witch, ex-lycanthrope, and all-round troublemaker. Born in the Vale of Ypakar settlement of Vâlcea to Seweryn and Agata Bosko, it has been downhill for everyone involved since.  


Physical Description

Facial Features

  • Cheekbones that do 1d4 slashing damage

Identifying Characteristics

  • A stylised but functional calendar of the three moons across her arms, shoulders, upper chest and throat. A full moon on the back of her right hand and a new moon on her left.
  • A magic circle with runes (in the Old Tongue) on her sternum.
  • Laurels on the edge of her left ear, and a willow tree on her scalp on the same time.
  • A wreath of wildflowers across her lower back and extending down across her hip bones.
  • Scythian style animals on her right thigh. An elk, a bear, a boar, a lion, a fox, a horse, a raven, an owl, but no wolves. A magpie, a rabbit, an eagle, and a bat above her left knee. A snake eating its own tail on her right ankle.
  • Three long slashing scars that start on the top left side of her chest and drag round over her left shoulder.
  • A circle of indented scars, almost like teeth, around her right calf.
  • A burn-like scar on her left flank, relatively recent and disrupting part of the tattoo on her hip.
  • A gnarled, twisted inch or so of scar tissue at the base of her skull.

Special abilities

  • Ruining every situation she's in
  • Incredible amounts of radiant damage
  • Bitig
  • Obscene amounts of healing
  • Wildshaping. Even flying now!
  • Listening to the winds… divining the future, past, and present…
  • Level three autism

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Uh
  • She blew up two hags with moon lasers and the power of prophecy that was pretty cool
  • Pulling two bad bitches by being autistic
  • Getting rid of the dog (MASSIVE W even if she doesn't see it that way yet)
  • Two successful revivifies!
  • Hiring the best attorney on this leaf to get unexiled from town

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Being left behind when Mama went to Wizard University, due to her bad vibes and being frankly unpleasant to be around at the age of two
  • Sneaking out of the house because she was mad that her dad told her it was too dangerous to go wandering on account of the wolves, and immediately being kidnapped by these same wolves
  • Getting so mad that people were eviscerating one of these wolves because of all the people he ate that she bound her soul to its
  • Being avoided by Papa for her bad vibes and burning desire to bite him at every given opportunity
  • Only managing to bite her mother the once before she got savvy to it
  • Thinking this very bad dog is her best friend
  • This very bad dog actually being her best friend
  • Getting so mad at her father for trying to stop her full moon excursion that she forgot to repress both the Dog and the Daddy Issues and tore him to little shreds
  • And probably ate some of him. Ew!
  • Fumbling a bad witch because she listened to that weird stinky dog over a beautiful woman
  • Going to a CURSED FOREST? Of DARKNESS? To chase down her mother that doesn't even want to see her smh
  • Explaining to her mother that she's been referring to psychic fey creatures that infiltrate your mind as “meanies”
  • Crying in front of Mama. Cringe!
  • Failing to revivify Reika
  • Being EXILED from Anglwyrd for the whole lycanthropy murders thing
  • Failing to convince the party that it would be a very bad idea for her to stay locked underground on the day of a full moon
  • Playing out the bloody consequences of staying locked underground on the day of a full moon
  • Being executed :/
  • Giving herself a really terrible haircut
  • That time she told Artus to call her “Doctor Bosko”
  • Getting Sequestered for her bad and naughty behaviour of trying to get Mama’s attention (dispelling her tower)
  • Being told to never speak to Mama again for the aforementioned bad and naughty behaviour
  • Being thrown in lava by a dragon named Mother
  • The party staging an unplanned intervention for her Mommy Issues and bad personality and them somehow all working entirely in tandem

Personality Characteristics



Oksana Bosko


Towards Kazmer




Towards Oksana Bosko


The Boy / Koschei

FRIEND? (Vital)

Towards Oksana Bosko



Oksana Bosko

FRIEND? (Vital)

Towards The Boy / Koschei



Current Status
Dying in a glue trap
Current Location
Date of Birth
5 Mollifying 363
Circumstances of Death
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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