Portal Network Technology / Science in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Portal Network

Notes from the Diary of Moonlight Through Rain   So far we have ascertained that the Cuithgar Rings discovered in several locations around Davokar are in fact a network of length contraction devices, such that passage into one results in near instantaneous travel to the other. This is similar to known spells, "Misty Step" or "Dimension Door", except over a unimaginably greater distance.   In order to determine the location that the other end of the portal appears, the portal seems to require 'keys' made of gold, silver and platinum. the setup of these three keys in the slots of the portal determines the target.   These portals seem to require a sufficiently powerful input of magic to 'kickstart' the gateway contained within, after which an entity may pass. This is FAR FAR less than the magic required to traverse this distance would be normally, so I speculate there is some larger power source keeping the network stable   It also seems these portals can only be built upon confluences of leylines. It may draw power from the leylines themselves, which is incredible.   Other named locations appear around the edge of the portal, allowing that the locations can be changed by someone with the knowledge of how.   Known Locations, tab 1: Tab 2:   Misc portals:
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