Queen Sindar Pon'Revaar Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Queen Sindar Pon'Revaar

The Queen of The Empire of Coraar 'ath Revaar and one of the most powerful known spellcasters in history we've learned of so far, known to have a mastery of time magic (according to the Keepers notes).   Descendant of the legendary High Mage Arandil Pon'Revaar, whose mystical prowess was said to have been integral in the elves transitioning to the Waking.   The Pon'Revaar ancestral estate was nestled in the heart of the Silverwood Glade in Indruist/Heartgem   Children:   Wielded Blackrazor and used it in her spellcasting to create The Crater as a last ditch effort to seal the portal within it that the fiends were coming from.   Exiled Tsien Chiang as punishment for murdering Midresthor (and possibly other things?)


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