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Session XXIV - A Woeful Interrogation

Campside Destruction

Porta Strelitzia

General Summary

Sadly my time is brief, our travelling must take the majority of our attention especially now that we know we are being watched and hunted. I'm writing this on the move, mostly to go over what has happened and outcome of our mission today. Where to start? Ah yes, of course, with the aftermath of the attack.
  Our initial operation was a complete success, we had managed to neutralize an encampment threatening the tradeway, capture several high value targets, and had managed, so we believed at the time, to do so with little or no knowledge on the part of our enemies. It was a complete success, and an utter failure.   After the capture operation had been finished, we handled the remains of the camp. Foremost on our mind was how to hide our tracks and how to ensure we left little behind for the Hobgoblins to scavenge. With the former on my mind, I was quick to sort out orders.
  • Hexan Dacciro was ordered to explore the camp for, as crass as it sounds, loot. He managed to discover an enchanted longbow (+1)
  • Salyth Zephite, our new Druidic companion as well as Malvagio my most faithful familiar, managed to discover several letters and a map without any new markings. Many of the letters were placed within a form of cipher.
  • Dillis Ergo Mossborn and Muriel, my fantastic hound, worked hard to obscure what had happened at the camp with evidence laid out that would suggest a mutiny within the ranks. (19, 8, 23 - Salyth Zephite decided to help)
  • Imrahil and I(Porta Strelitzia) focused on our prisoners. We were best suited to understand the Goblin action and notice lies or trickery, aside from having the magic to make them more amenable towards us. Our first priority was to strip them of arms and armour after the last interrogation.
Among the supplies remaining behind were several carts. Using Dillis Ergo Mossborn's steed and one of the good carts remaining, we were able to load ourselves and the Hobgoblin prisoners onto it, returning in a shorter time than we had departed. Though we were slowed by some of the items we carried as we placed a number of Hobgoblin armours on the cart in order to make dummies.   As we returned to camp, the interrogation continued. At least one of the Hobgoblins was capable of understanding common and thus was the focus of our efforts. Very little useful information was derived from these efforts.  
Gyaruk Kai, HC-03-1, Rank Captain, Command First Company - Prisoner Gyaruk Kai (Hobgoblin)
We agreed amongst ourselves that this boded poorly. The level of organization here implied two things, neither of which were good. Either the hobgoblin leader was intelligent enough to create such an organizational system that used serial numbers, or their numbers were already large enough to necessitate the creation of such a system in order to maintain control.   Aside from the Good Captains serial number, we gathered that they intended to conquer the lands surrounding Castle Dragonspear confirming what our earlier prisoners had mentioned. Further questions would have been asked, but we returned to our camp.   What remained of our camp, in any case.   It wasn't apparent until we had spoken with Ranger Uewoo and examined the surrounding area what had happened. Around the time we had attacked the Goblin Camp, our own camp had been attacked in a sickening parallel to our own actions, with much the same result. Without our presence it was a slaughter.   The traps that Hexan Dacciro had set had helped somewhat, slowed the attack, cost them blood and limb, but the numbers had clearly been overwhelming.   Malvagio had seen the state of Ranger Uewoo before we had, and forced a potion into Ranger Uewoo's hands and save her life. Ranger Ron was not so fortunate and had died surrounded by Goblin corpses. He sold his life dearly.   Much like our rangers, the camp and the items present had suffered significantly. Approximately a quarter to one half of our supplies had been taken by the Goblins, our cart and carriage burnt to ashes and all of our horses taken either for beasts of burden or food. As we performed a quick inventory, Muriel discovered that at least one ranger had been taken captive, perhaps two.   This was an impossible choice. We had returned from our own operation utterly drained with little magic or supplies among us, we needed a rest. But with each second we remained, our ranger employees were further and further away.   Hard choices require strong will, and magic will make that at the very least. As much as we would want to save them, going now would only spell doom for everyone in the area including ourselves. For the moment, we would have to hope the rangers could look after themselves.
Dillis Ergo Mossborn, mossborn did not take all of this well. And killed one of the prisoners when they refused to talk. That was how we got Gyaruk Kai to speak, or at least the start.   He hoped to see his friend on the fields of Acheron. But we had ways to ensure that did not happen, that he would be doomed to see the infernal planes of the nine hells in all their malevolent awesome glory. This seemed to rattle the hobgoblin, and he finally began to speak in common.
The agreement struck was simple. In exchange for allowing him to die in combat in a duel with Dillis Ergo Mossborn and allowing his soul to go onto Acheron should he die, he would answer our questions. Given Dillis Ergo Mossborn's skill and Gyaruk's state of health. We agreed.   Granting him a spare greatsword and some now useless goblin armour we had. The questioning could begin, with the salient points being.
  • His leader was seeking to take over the land for Goblinkind, the leader is reportedly smart and brutal.
  • The leader is unique amongst the Hobgoblins, and is also greater in some way or form.
  • The attacks, the land poisoning and the general movement of the Hobgoblins began several months ago once the various Hobgoblin tribes were united.
  • The Hobgoblin leader is touched by a mind above all goblins (AN: Suggests Domination? Or just a mind that is unconventional amongst Hobgoblins?)
  • Exact numbers are difficult, but there are at least 100+ goblins but less than 1000. I'm inclined to believe it's closer to 1000 than not.
  • Approximately seven roaming companies and one main war camp.
  • The Hobgoblins have flying mounts and beasts of war, evidence to this is that we found blood eagles sending messages, ridable mounts in the form of dire wolves and wargs.
  • Dragonspear castle is the target because its defensive fortifications are the best around at least until you hit Daggerford. It would be an excellent central base for any new empire.
  • The commander, the Hobgoblin leader, decides what happens to prisoners.
  • The elves apparently attempted to intervene earlier, and were attacked in response (AN: Reason for poisoning the land?)
  • The hobgoblin captain believes that the poisoning the land is the start of progress. (AN: Suggests that they are not just destroying crops and trees, but replacing the environment with one more favourable to them?)
Eventually, the time for the fight begins. It goes as expected and Dillis Ergo Mossborn emerges victorious but not without taking significant amounts of pain. With Dillis Ergo Mossborn's sword through his chest, the Captain spits at him.   I took that personally, and vaporized his corpse into ash. He would not be easily revived. With the duel done, it was time to organize our remaining supplies together. I, and Hexan Dacciro, had several bags of holding between us with a carrying capacity of approximately one and a half tonnes. More than enough to transport all of our supplies and Ranger Ron's corpse.   But the question was where?   In the end, practicality won out. We were wounded, vulnerable and missing supplies and allies. If we died here, no-one could warn people of what was happening until it was far too late. We had to return to Way Inn and alert Daggerford and Waterdeep.   This was far beyond our ability to resolve.

Rewards Granted

The Party Was Rewarded with the following
  • Additional Letters and Maps regarding Goblin Plans
  • A +1 Longbow
  • Additional Information from Captured Hostages
  • A Quarter/Half of their Resources lost
  • 1-2 Rangers Captured
  • 1 Ranger Confirmed Killed
  • 1 Ranger Wounded and Safe

Missions/Quests Completed

The party managed to complete one Quest. The quest was to discover additional information about the intent and nature of the Hobgoblin invasion, their numbers, resources, and plans.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Hobgoblin Captain 1
  • Hobgoblin Captain 2 (Gyaruk Kai)
  • Ranger Uewoo

Related Reports

Preceding Session - [N/a]   Succeeding Session - Session XXV - A Midnight Undead Raid
The report must be brief, for time is short and valuable. The operation was a complete success, and an utter failure

Party Members Involved

The Trollslayers of Trollskull Alley
Imrahil halfhalf
Chaotic good Half elf (Hounted one)
Bard 5
28 / 28 HP
Dillis Ergo Mossborn
Lawfull good Dragonborn (Acolyth)
Paladin 5
44 / 44 HP
Hexan Dacciro
Porta Strelitzia
Lawful Neutral Tiefling (Cambion) (Waterdahavian Noble)
Wizard 10
52 / 52 HP
Player Journals
Lessons Learnt by Porta Strelitzia
Report Date
23 Jan 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Supporting NPCs

  • Malvagio
  • Ranger Ron
  • Ranger Uewoo
  • Ranger XXXXXX
  • Ranger XXXXXX

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