Elmar Barthen

Elmar Barthen is a kindly human man of fifty years and the proprietor of Barthen's Provisions, where he employs a young clerk named Thistle. Ander also worked as a clerk for Barthen, before he was murdered.   Barthen is an acquaintance of Gundren Rockseeker and hired the party, now known as Hat Gang, to deliver to his shop supplies ordered especially for Gundren and his brothers to aid in their excavation of Wave Echo Cave. After the goblin ambush, the gang delivered the supplies to Barthen and informed him of Gundren's capture. Barthen was grateful of the party for delivering his goods, and rewarded them with 200gp, but urged the party to rescue the dwarf and his brothers, if they were in danger too.   After the raid on the Redbrand Hideout, the gang found one of Barthen's clerks, Ander, had been murdered by a shapechanger, but chose not to inform him, leaving him to discover the body himself, an event which greatly upset Berthen.   When the party returned from their adventure at Gnomengarde, they came to Barthen's looking for something to buy to cheer up Coins. They settled on buying some birdseed and some other things.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Current Location
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
about 5 ft.

Character Portrait image: by https://www.heroforge.com/