Gundren Rockseeker

Gundren Rockseeker (a.k.a. Funrun)

Gundren Rockseeker is one of the Rockseeker Brothers, three influential dwarf siblings active around the Sword Mountains. Gundren knew Nissany when she was growing up in the area, and they bacame friends.  
In late 1491 DR, Gundren and his brothers found a map to the long-lost Wave Echo Cave, the location of the legendary Lost Mines of Phandelver. Gundren hired the party to transport some of his supplies to Barthen's Provisions but, as they traveled down the Triboar Trail, the party found the horses of Gundren and his warrior escort, Sildar Halwinter, dead on the side of the road, with an empty map case. When they rescued Sildar, he told them that Gundren was taken to Cragmaw Castle.
The Hat Gang haven't made contact with Gundren or either of his brothers, Nundro and Tharden.


Character Location
Current Location
Cragmaw Castle
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