Vyerith (/'jɛˌrɪθ/ YEH-rith)

Vyerith (a.k.a. Greta)

Vyerith is a doppelganger rogue and member of the Black Spider Network, tasked with monitoring the town of Phandalin in the guise of a human woman named Greta, who worked as a barmaid at the Stonehill Inn.   Through the real Greta's history with Nissany, Vyerith became close to the Hat Gang. In particular, "Greta" formed a strong bond with Boston Bornes, and was one of the party's most trusted allies before her supposed death at the hands of a Black Spider agent, although it later became clear that she staged this death herself. Prior to this, "Greta" was charged with looking after the Hat Gang's excess wealth that they could not carry with them whilst adventuring, before it was "stolen."   After her psychic link with the real Greta was picked up by Boston/Evil Boston's subconcious, the party reunited with their deceased friend in Wave Echo Cave, only for Vyerith to reveal their true nature. In an emotional confrontation, the doppelganger made peace with the party, although it was clear that ther relationship would be forever changed.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As a shapechanger, Vyerith has no set form, although her most natural state is that of most doppelgangers, a tall, muscular humanoid with grey-blue skin and long arms. Her face devoid mostly of features, save for stark white eyes, pointed ears, and the vague impression of a nose.   Whilst disguised as Greta, she appeared as a human woman of above average height, with pale skin, green eyes, and long red hair that rests at her hips. She is known for her impressive breasts.*   Vyerith also often appears in the form of a female dark elf, with purpleish-grey skin, large pointed ears, and pale eyes, her white hair tied back in a bun.

Special abilities

Vyerith is a shapechanger, able to change her appearance to match that of any humanoid she has seen before, although seemingly not their clothes. She also has potent psychic abilities, able to maintain a psychic link with Greta from within Wave Echo Cave, even when as far away as Phandalin.   Vyerith was capable of expertly covering her own tracks, as the skilled ranger Elarnya was unable to track her movement through Phandalin Forest.   Doppelganger or not, Vyerith is a skilled baker, her muffins enjoyed by all of the Hat Gang, especially by Mr. Squirrel.

Apparel & Accessories

Vyerith had a variety of outfits similar to those worn by the real Greta, perhaps they once belonged to her. Whilst not disguised, she wore leather armour, covered in various straps and accented with green fabric.

Specialized Equipment

Vyerith carried with her a hand crossbow and dagger, both of drow design, which she would coat in a drow poison that could paralyze victims momentarily if it came in contact with their blood.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before the Hat Gang

  By her own account, Vyerith was sealed within Wave Echo Cave for countless years. At some point, she allied herself with Nezznar, the Black Spider, who promised a place in his empire for her and her kin.   Her main role under the Black Spider was to oversee the goings on in Phandalin, looking out for any threats to the Network and its goals. She took the form of a human woman named Greta, sealing the real Greta inside a cocoon in her lair at Wave Echo Cave.

Meeting the Hat Gang

  In recent years, Greta had fallenout of touch with her old friend, Nissany. Neither of them had spoken, or even made contact by letter, for a couple of years prior to 1491, though Nissany recently attempted to do so. When her old friend Gundren asked her to help him with a project near the burgeoning town of Phandalin, Nissany saw this as an opportunity to recconect with her old friend, who she believed had relocated there. Vyerith covered up for the fact that she had ignored Nissany's attempts to contact her by claiming she had simply been too busy with work, and honing her muffin-crafting skills, to keep in contact with her gnomish friend, but was happy to reconnect with her.   As Nissany bonded with her fellow partymembers, so did "Greta," who's presence rarely failed lighten the adventurers' spirits. Boston, in particular, grew close to her, the barmaid offered him solace when he went through difficult times, and encouraged him to face the demons of his past and return to Thundertree. "Greta" quickly became one of the party's most trusted allies, and was entrusted with the burden of keeping the party's group funds safe.

Robbery and Dissapearance

  when the party, now known as the Hat Gang, returned to Phandalin from Thundertree, they were informed by Sildar Halwinter that Greta had been robbed, then attacked by a mysterious assailant, thought to be a wererat. As well as various personal belongings, some of sentimental value, all of the party's funds were allegedly taken. The party travelled to the Mountain's Toe Gold Mine, an area where wererats had been sighted recently, to look for the stolen items, but they stumbled upon a secret Red Wizard stronghold instead. Without recovering any of their lost valuables, the Hat Gang returned to town to find "Greta" was still somewhat shaken by the attack. She asked her friends to cover for her at the Inn whilst she spent some time alone, and headed to Phandalin Forest in search of ingredients for her baking.   "Greta" never returned to Phandalin after that night, and the party were unable to track her down, eventually comming to the conclusion that she had been kidnapped. When they arrived at Cragmaw Castle, the party spotted one of their friend's muffins outside an arrow slit, signaling her presence inside.


  "Greta" was reunited with the Hat Gang, accompanied by Reidoth and Hatari, when they found her in the castle's kitchen and together they defeated her goblinoid "captors." She joined the group as they searched the rest of the castle for Gundren Rockseeker, eventually encountering Bolton Bornes, Boston's brother and a fellow Black Spider agent. The encounter ended peacefully, and "Greta" insisted on staying with Hatari as the rest of the party ventured into the castle's cellar.   During the "Royal Rumble," Vyerith appeared to the Hat Gang for the first time in her drow disguise and observed them as they fought. she brought with her the unconcious Hatari, whom she had overpowered moments ago, and lay her on a nearby chair, next to the equally unconcious Gundren Rockseeker. Once the party defeated the other rumble participants and began to breach the arena, Vyerith made a quick getaway, but not before Dymera was able to steal a map to Wave Echo Cave from her.

Apparent Death

  When the party left the cellar, they found Greta's chared clothes in a hallway, soaked in blood, and understandably assumed the worst. In fact, Vyerith had faked her own death, or the cdeath of her Greta persona, as a distraction whilst she fled the castle.

Revelation at Wave Echo Cave

  As they were exploring Wave Echo Cave, Vyerith's psychic link to Greta was intercepted by Boston Bornes whilst he was dormant, with Evil Boston as his active persona. Once Boston gained control of his body again, Jensen used detect thoughts to look into his mind and descern the cause of the switch, but instead saw a woman he believed to be Greta. When the woman saw him, she appeared suprised, and dissapeared, as Vyerith severed the connection from Boston. When Jensen attempted to encode boston's thoughts onto a memory strand, a psychic thread drifted off from the main strand, seemingly erasing "Greta" from the memory. The gang quickly followed the thread deeper into the cave, towards Vyerith's lair.   Upon arriving in the lair, "Greta" emerged from the pool of liquid that filled most of the cavern, similarly to in Boston's dream, and was shocked to see the party. Boston ran forward and attempted to comfort her, his senses leading him to believe that this was "the real Greta." Clearly confused, she asked what had happened to the Black Spider, and when told that he had been killed, she broke down, blaming the Hat Gang for ruining everything before transforming, revealing herself to be the female drow the party had encountered back in Cragmaw Castle.   After a brief conversation where Vyerith revealed that she had been masquerading as Greta the whole timE, and that the party at large had never know the real Greta, she lashed out, claiming that the party would "never be able to understand," and attacked the adventurers. Although she was a formidable opponent, and despite Dymera's efforts to diffuse the situation, the party quickly defeated the drow, causing her to retreat into her cocoon and release Greta.   After comforting the distressed barmaid, a half-formed humanoid resembling Greta emerged from the pool, and moved aggressively towards the party. Following this, Vyerith emerged from her cocoon, once again resembling Greta, much to the real Greta's distress, and angrilly attacked the party, focusing at first on Boston, whom she felt betrayed by, before creating another "Greta clone" and retreating behind a bulwark fashioned out of the room's fleshy ground. Dymera attempted to calm Vyerith down once more and was partially sucessful. However, when Boston broke down a section of the bulwark, she didnot accept his apology, stabbing him twice in the chest and pushing past him.   Vyerith continued to fight the Hat Gang, knocking the real Greta unconcious and seriously wounding Thokk and Droop. Desperate, Dymera grabbed Vyerith by the hand, telling her that, although she may have never known the real Vyerith, she has enjoyed her company and would like to get to know her. After some persuasion, the doppelganger relented in her assault on the party, but as Dymera reached forward for a hug, Vyerith melted into the floor of the cave and left.


Although she was primarily spending time with the Hat Gang to gain information for the Black Spider, her feelings for Boston Bornes appeared genuine.


Vyerith continued to work for Toblen Stonehill as a barmaid at the Stonehill Inn as Greta had done. She served drinks and food to patrons under Trilena's supervision, allowing her to easily probe townsfolk for information, fulfiling her actual role as a spy.
Current Status
Over 100
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations
Greta's Muffins
Vyerith, still using her "Greta" disguise, as encountered in Wave Echo Cave.
"A normal life? What hope do I have of a normal life?"   "Maybe, it's not too late for you to try?"
— Vyerith and Dymera
Vyerith in her most basic form.

*Source - Nissany

Cover image: Bloodfell Caves by Jorge Jacinto
Character Portrait image: Bloodfell Caves by Jorge Jacinto