Session 7: Hat Gang Murder Squad

General Summary

Angry Raccoon Noises
Jensen woke up from his raccoon-meat-induced slumber after a very strange dream, and Dymera and Elarnya waking soon after, thanks to their elvishness. Together, the three of them and the charmed orc woke Yuri, and, after Dymera vandalized Boston's face, Boston and Nissany, still coated in her own raccoon vomit.  
Jensen's Dream
Prose | Jun 3, 2022
Yuri and Nissany had a chat in the back room of the decrepit tavern and upon returning to the main room, heard a scratching at the door. Dymera opened the door and was greeted by a pair of raccoons, demanding justice for the death of their brother. She picked one up and attempted to drop-kick it, which did not help to defuse the situation.   Despite attempts from the rest of the Hat Gang to diffuse the situation, a fight broke out with the raccoons, who revealed they had brought with them a cavalry of elks and giant badgers, who proved to be more troublesome than they first appeared. Jensen quickly cast a Sleep spell, incapacitating most of the raccoons and an elk, whilst Yuri entered her barbarian rage. The orc, who wasn't too happy about the idea of murdering woodland creatures, made the first kill, reducing a giant badger to a furry pulp with one swift swing of his greataxe. It was around this time that the party noted that Nissany's bardic charm had worn off of the still cooperative orc.   As the bloodshed continued, Dymera dashed away from the party in an attempt to draw the beasts away from her friends, only to stumble upon a towering giant elk and hide nearby. Nissany cast Speak with Animals and reasoned with a giant badger, who convinced the remaining woodland beasts to retreat so as to avoid any more bloodshed.   at the end of the battle, Yuri dropped her weapon and calmed down from her rage, something she's never accomplished before without falling unconscious, and decided to open up about her past with her fellow party members. the Hat Gang returned inside, where Yuri revealed that her real name is Evelyn Von Alexandrine and that her home village was pillaged by orcs, sent by her noble father to kill her mother, who ran away with a peasant. After entering her first rage and killing all but one of the orcs, she raided her father's mansion, slaughtering him and everyone else within.   Other members of the party comforted Yuri, asserting that they'll help her and would never betray her. Jensen told Yuri about how family members of his were killed by Cragmaw goblins, and how he and his twin, Hatari, are seeking vengeance. Elarnya spoke of the time 10 years ago that her teacher was killed by orcs, when she was only 8 years old, and hugged her.   The party decided to track down the banshee that Sister Roland asked them to speak to, as she lived nearby, but agreed that afterwards they should rescue Yuri's friend Markus, who was captured by orcs and had sensitive information relating to the barbarian's past.

Character(s) interacted with

Various woodland creatures, including sevraal Elks, Giant Badgers, Raccoons, one of whom they had met previously, and a Giant Elk.
In-Game Date

3rd of Nightal

Report Date
26 Jun 2020
Secondary Location
So, we're just killing these animals now?
— Orc
We would never betray you, trust me. You helped us.
— Elarnya to Yuri