Session 9: The Sleep Meat Plot

General Summary

Yuri? Yuri, can I have your toes?
— Dymera
After a long rest inside the ruins in Conyberry, Dymera searched the corpses of the orcs that attacked them last night and found some coins and rotten teeth, from which she plans to fashion a necklace. She also gave the javelins she finds to Yuri and attempted to barter for her toes, an exchange that Nissany found rather humorous.   On the way to the Shrine of Savras, Yuri saw a bird from her childhood home of Ram Village, and whistled a song she remembered from her childhood. The Hat Gang began to formulate a plan to rescue Markus without getting themselves killed. They eventually settled on a plan in which Nissany and Jensen, disguised as orcs, would infiltrate the shrine, alongside the allied orc, who told them his name for the first time. The party quickly forgot his name and turned to calling him Corc. The trio would then feed the other orcs some of the Sleep Meat that Boston cooked, alongside some normal meat to disguise it's nature.   So the party went hunting for fresh meat, and Elarnya successfully hit a large boar with an arrow, however, she failed to slay the beast and it began to charge the party. Other party members took turns attempting to kill the boar before it caught up to them, but to no avail. When it reached them, the boar transformed into a half-orc Anchorite of Talos, who hit the party with a Thunderwave spell before being downed by the Hat Gang.   The party prepared the meat anyway, Jensen, Nissany, and Corc brought it into the orc band's makeshift camp within the shrine and, after a brief awkward encounter between Nissany and an orc named Gnurl, the plan was set into motion.
In-Game Date
5th of Nightall
Report Date
10 Jul 2020