The Ebon Lash

An Ebon Lash is a type of magical scourge crafted and used by the Red Wizards of Thay. The necromancer Umorth wielded one such weapon, which was claimed by the elven rogue Dymera after he was slain.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

At it's base, an ebon lash is a potent +2 weapon, and any creature struck by the lash may be temporarily immobilized. A wielder can also use the weapon as a focus to cast the spell charm person, even if they would be otherwise incapable of casting this spell.


The Red Wizard Umorth brought the lash with him to the Mountain's Toe gold mine and used it to aid him in commanding his fellow wizards.   He later used the scourge against the Hat Gang, first using it to charm Dymera whilst the two were isolated, and then in combat against the other members of the party. After he had been slain at the hands of Thokk Verantor, Dymera claimed the Ebon Lash for herself and began using it as her primary weapon.
Current Holder
3 lbs