Twig Blight

Twig blights are a type of blight. They hunt by disguising themselves as dead bushes or piles of twigs, and attack by raking their opponents with their branch-like claws.

Basic Information


Whilst motionless, a Twig Blight is indestinguishable from other dead plants, making them great ambush predators. Outside of this, twig blights are fairly weak, easilly destroyed by most attacks. Because of this, twig blights typically rely on swarm tactics, or attack alongside other more capable creatures, such as needle blights.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

After the eruption of Mount Hotenow, the town of Thundertree became overrun by blights, most of them twig blights. The blights seemed to pay little attention to the ash zombies, who in turn payed little attention to the blights.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name