
Bes was the Pharaonic and Mulhorandi deity of luck and chance, as well as protector of women in childbirth. Over time, his presence on Toril dwindled, and his aspect ended up subsumed by the dwarven deity Vergadain.


Bes was a whimsical deity who liked gambling and small children. He didn't take the moral and ethical stances of those he blessed with good fortune into account, and the Short Father was childlike in his enjoyment of his worshipers' tributed offers.


Bes was mainly worshiped by those who wished for luck, particularly gamblers, who curse his name just as often as they bless it. Adventuring rogues, bards, and illusionists also often looked to him as their patron. Despite his dwarven appearance, he was more popular with halflings and gnomes than with the Stout Folk.

Clerics devoted to Bes were often considered disreputable tricksters that avoided responsibility. They were not considered to be part of the priestly caste, and thus were not obligated to the dress code common to Pharaonic clerics, and thus generally dressed like the common people. Most of Bes's clergy was male. Their weapon of choice was the khopesh.

Bes had no temples dedicated to him and did not have formally outlined rituals of worship. Rather, he was revered at household and roadway shrines, as well as gambling halls and taverns. It was common practice among followers of the Pharaonic pantheon to keep statues in Bes's image to keep bad luck at bay.

By the Year of the Unstrung Harp, 1371 DR, Bes's worship in Faerûn had largely become obscure, though he was still invoked by human merchants from Skuld.

As a deity of luck, Bes was worshiped by many members of the Xaositects.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In his natural form, Bes appeared as a 4 feet (1.2 meters) tall figure, likened to either a shield dwarf or a stunted human, with a powerful physique and bowlegs. His face, which was described as so ugly that it could scare evil spirits away, featured a bushy beard. He typically wore a panther skin with the tail still attached, although some accounts said that he had a tail himself.

Specialized Equipment

Bes wielded a dancing luck blade that never missed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Prior to joining the Pharaonic pantheon by marrying Hathor, Bes was part of a different pantheon, with which he subsequently lost all contact.

In −2489 DR, Bes was part of the group of deities under Ra who sent manifestations to Realmspace in order to combat the oppression of the Mulan in Imaskar, which led to the creation of the Mulhorandi pantheon. Long before the 14th century DR, however, Bes's diminished Realmsian aspect was subsumed by his close friend, Vergadain.


Contacts & Relations

Bes shared his interests in music and luck with his wife, Hathor.

Ptah sometimes appeared and acted similarly to Bes, namely as a misshapen dwarf who protected against evil, but there seemed to be no direct relation between the two deities.

The human thief Amenemhab acted as a proxy to Bes.

Outside of the Mulhorandi pantheon, some sages thought that Bes had a close relationship with the Outlands-based members of the Morndinsamman, particularly Vergadain. His standing with the other deities that governed luck was unclear, though it was widely reckoned that he was mistrustful towards them.




Towards Hathor




Towards Bes


Divine Classification
Lesser deity
Chaotic neutral
Hathor (Wife)


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