
Hathor known as Hatharia in Thay and Hathelya in Unther, was a kind and compassionate member of the Mulhorandi pantheon. She was seen as a caring mother figure to those that followed her.


Worship of Hathor was most common in the farmlands of Mulhorand, and she was almost ignored by the nobility. Her typical followers were poor and needy, and sought the aide of She Who is There for Those in Need in their difficult lives.

Clerics of Hathor usually wore a white linen dress and collar. They wore wigs over shaved heads and painted three blue circles on their forehead, a sign of priestly calling in Mulhorand. They also preferred to dye their skin white.

Though it was uncommon for the clergy of Hathor to take up arms, they were known to do so in order to benefit communities in need. In those circumstances, they selected equipment that was practical for the situation.

Clerics of Hathor prayed for spells at night, when the moon was at its highest point in the sky.

The clergy of the church of Hathor was entirely composed of women of Mulan descent. They traveled Mulhorand, dispensing aide where they could and freely giving the goods they possessed to those in need.

The followers of the Nurturing Mother forgoed the construction of temples, and instead built small shrines dedicated to their deity in populated locations. Small shrines to Hathor could also be found in all homes of small children.


  • Sisters of the Merciful Mother - The members of this order had supreme authority to intercede on the behalf of anyone in need.

Divine Domains

Life, Light

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Contacts & Relations

with the exceptions of Osiris, Isis, and Nephthys, all members of the Mulhorandi pantheon looked down upon Hathor. Of the rest of the pantheon, the Nurturing Mother disliked only Set and Sebek.




Towards Hathor




Towards Bes


Divine Classification
Lesser deity
Neutral good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Nurturing Mother
The Quiet One
The Dancer of Fortune
She Who is There for Those in Need
Bes (Husband)


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