Isis (EYE-sis)

Isis known as Isharia in Thay and as Ishtar in Unther, was a deity of the Mulhorandi pantheon. She was a kind goddess who took joy in revealing new discoveries to her followers.


Worship of Isis was seen most often among the common people of Mulhorand.

The clergy of the church of Isis was primarily composed of women of Mulan descent, though a few half-elves also followed the Bountiful Lady. These priestesses must study arcane magics as well as divine.

Clerics of Isis spent much of their time administering to the agricultural needs of Mulhorand, as well as the needs of typical home life.

Temples dedicated to Isis remained open to the weather, and flowing water was often incorporated in their construction. The centre of the church of Isis was the Mystic Cornucopia, located in the Great Vale. Additional major temples included the Temple of Bountiful Joy in Skuld and the Spring of Eternal Hope in Shussel, a city located in the nation of Unther.

Clerics of Isis typically wore a white linen dress with sandals. They usually wore a wig over their shaved heads, and painted three blue circles on their forehead as a symbol of their status as a priest of Mulhorand. When preparing for combat, priestess of Isis tended to shy from the use of armor. They otherwise equipped themselves practically for the situation.

Divine spellcasters of Isis prayed for spells before the first meal of the day.


  • Sisters of Life: This order served with followers of Anhur and Osiris as members of the Guardians of Skuld.
  • Shield of the Lady: These spellcasters joined and assisted the adventuring companies that operated within Mulhorand.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Life

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Isis, with the assistance of Nephthys, resurrected Osiris when he was murdered by Set.

During the Second Sundering, Isis and other deities from the pantheon returned in the form of demigods and led the Mulhorandi uprising against the Imaskari, in a manner similar to how the Chosen manifested in other regions. As of 1489 DR, Mulhorand was led by the returned pantheon, who temporarily set their differences aside for the good of the Mulhorandi people.


Contacts & Relations

Isis was the daughter of Geb and Nut. She was the sister of Thoth and wife of Osiris, as well as the mother of Horus (later Horus-Re). Isis and Nephthys were twins.

The non-evil members of the Mulhorandi pantheon were allies of Isis, as was Sharess. The Bountiful Lady considered Chauntea a confidant and friend.

Due to their similar portfolios and differing alignments, Isis often found herself in conflict with Sebek.

Outside of the Mulhorandi deities, she was on mildly good terms with Mystra and in opposition to the goddess Shar, being opposed to all usage of the Shadow Weave.

Family Ties




Towards Osiris




Towards Isis


Divine Classification
Neutral good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Bountiful Lady
Lady of All Love
Lady of Rivers
Mistress of Weather
Mistress of Enchantment
Osiris (Husband)


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