Drakes Species in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil


There are Many Types of drakes here is a list of the diffrent vartions and diffrences between drake Scales and alignment

Shade Drakes

Shades Element Alignment
Ashen Black Acid Chaotic Neutral
Shadow Black Poison Chaotic Good
Gray Fire Chaotic Evil
Fog Gray Thunder Lawfull Good
Smoke Gray Lightning Lawfull Neutral

Chromatic Drakes

Colour Element Alignment
Red Fire Lawfull Neutral
Blue Cold Lawfull Evil
Green Lightning Neutral Evil
Yellow Acid Chaotic Neutral
Orange Fire Chaotic Evil

Basic Information


Drakes were wingless Dragons, with a fearl mind and withouth the ability of speech and unable to cast magic unless their parent was a true dragon.

Genetics and Reproduction

Drakes reproduced like mamals, with a male drake mating a female drake, wich in turn created their offsprings in their bellies in 4 months time.

Often a Mother gives birth to 5 drakes, if its anymore than that, wich happens on occacsion the mother dies while the children are born.

Growth Rate & Stages

Drakes only have 3 stages of development, staring out as a Hatchling Drake from the ages of 0-5.   The second stage of drakes, is there puberty in there ages from 6-8, in this time the grey hatchling drakes beginn to develop the colour of their scales and their breath weapon. Drakes that stay gray are killed or banished from the herds drakes inhabit, they tend to turning bitter and hatefull towards any species if they are left to fend for themselfes.   The third stage, when a drake reaches maturity, their scales colour being fully developed. If a Adventurer or other creature takes in a grey drake in and raises it after it was banished from its herd. they gain a certain shade of black or grey that develops and reaches its full colour in this stage. from there on out a Drake is roughly 15 years old and can become up to 250 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

Herds of Wild drakes inhabit Foresty and Hill regions were they thrive and grow their herd. aslong as enough cattle is available the herd will keep persisting and protecting its terrtory.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Drakes are Omnivore creature, able to eat anything even ineatable substances like metal or wood.

Biological Cycle

Drakes in comparison to true dragons, are effected by seasonal changes. In winter they enter a state of hibbernation if their part of a herd. In winter they only dwell in caves and on mountain tops.


Drakes are very simple creatures that in there early stages while still being gray hatchling are very friendly to all creatures. Once they reach maturity, depending on if they are a Chromatic or Shade drake, tend to be neutral or aggressive against people outside their family or herd.

Civilization and Culture


Drakes were draconic creatures, distant and lesser cousins to true dragons.   They were smaller and not as powerful as dragons but were much easier to train, so they were commonly used as mounts.   They were often used as guards by dragons, or they were given to the dragons' humanoid servants.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
quadrupes draconis
200 years
Average Height
5-7 feet
Average Weight
650 lbs
Average Length
15-20 feet


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