Supernal Dragons Species in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil

Supernal Dragons

Supernal Dragons, revered as the progenitors of the first dragons, trace their lineage back to the divine Ryū-jin The Old, the god of Stars and Nature. Legends speak of their emergence around 10103 BTC, shrouding their origins in mystery. The first dragons, born from Ryū-jin's essence, were intricately tied to some of the fundamental forces of the realms Metal, the Chromatic Rainbow, and the innate psyonics of Gems. Supernal dragons formed the bedrock of draconic existence, influencing the subsequent evolution of distinct subspecies and variations.   The enigma surrounding the identity of the initial dragons persists, as does the uncertainty regarding the timing of their divergence into diverse lineages. Early dragonologists believed that the three primary lineages Metal, Chromatic , and Gem exerted a profound influence on the dragons, shaping their breath weapons and determining the climates to which their bodies adapted. While the intricate interplay between lineage and draconic traits remains a subject of fascination, contemporary understanding posits that, despite the biological impact of lineage on breath weapons and climate adaptation, the relationships among dragons are more nuanced and grounded than they tought.  

Supernal Dragon Hoards

The quintessence of a dragon's identity lies in its hoard, transcending lineage or dragon type. Each dragon possesses a unique collection, be it a library brimming with ancient knowledge, a devoted following of mortals forming a living hoard of adoration, or the more traditional accumulation of precious metals like gold and silver.    Some dragons favor botanical rarities, cultivating an enchanting garden of magical plants, while others amass magical artifacts, artistic masterpieces, or a cache of powerful instruments. Swords, shields, and armor may constitute a formidable hoard for a martially inclined dragon. Regardless of the form, a dragon's hoard encapsulates its essence, reflecting personal inclinations and passions, and serving as the ultimate testament to the dragon's influence and character.

Basic Information


Supernal Dragons have many unique physical designs and unique sets of anatomy, so far they have been classified into 3 Subcategories.

Wyrm Dragons

Characterized by serpentine bodies, these dragons are adorned with shimmering scales that reflect and schimer in vibrant colors that even tought they are of chromatic linage may glicen as those of metallic linages. Typicly they posess antler-like horns with long flowing whiskers and lower facial horns resembeling beards.   Wyrm Dragons are renowned for their long, slender bodies, which ripple with energy as they soar through the skies. Graceful and wise, these dragons often possess multiple sets of limbs, allowing them to manipulate the elements with not just their breathweapon but also create rings of elements with them. Their anatomy is harmoniously intertwined with nature, embodying the balance of yin and yang, and their presence is typicaly associated with good fortune and prosperity.  

Stout Dragons

exhibit a formidable and awe-inspiring anatomy. These dragons are characterized by their massive square like, heavily armored bodies, covered in thick and large scaled plates that act as a natural fortress. Sporting wide and strong wings, Stout Dragons can take to the skies with a thunderous beat, their leathery membranes granting them both power and agility.   Their heads are adorned with Devil like horns and crests, reminiscent of heraldic symbols. Often possessing sharp talons and a stronger than avarage breath weapon, these dragons are considered both guardians and challenges for brave adventurers.   The Stout Dragon's anatomy is a testament to folklore, embodying the essence of adventurer legends where these creatures are both feared and revered.  

Nark Dragons

These dragons have sleek, sinuous snake like bodies, adorned with intricate patterns Their wings, unlike those of other dragons, are feathered and thrice the size of their bodies, resembling the majestic creatures found in various mythologies of the regions. Nark Dragons are often associated with the elements of earth and water, possessing a connection to the natural world.   Their heads are adorned with elaborate frills and crests with only one or two horns. They symbolize the harmony between the mythical and the mortal realms and their traditions.

Genetics and Reproduction

Supernal Dragons breed and reproduce similar to chickens, progressing from mating to the fertilization of the eggs. The egg then takes shape, and the female dragon lays a fully formed egg, which is subsequently incubated by the mother until hatching. The entire process takes approximately 2 months for a dragon to hatch. A female dragon has the capacity to lay one egg every 6 months.   Supernal Dragons' genetic compatibility depends on their draconic linage, although sometimes, even outside their genetics, some dragons can reproduce with mates beyond their gene pool. An example is the famous myth surrounding the creation and birth of the first Dragonkin, in which a daring halfling impregnated a female red dragon.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dragons live for a very long time, this also represents itselfe in their stages of life, they start out as a Nestling Dragon for roughly 10 years, where there size is roughly between 4-5 feet in height.   The second stage, the Youngling Dragon, is there childhood, right before they mature wich lasts roughly till their 25 years old, by this time their size is between 9-12 feet in height.   In the Third stage, the Pre-Mature Dragon, there in their spring maturing to soon become a "Mature Dragon" in this stage they are roughly 100 years old, with a size between 15-22 feet in height.   Their Fourth stage, the Prime Dragon, is reached when a dragon has fully matured. A Mature dragon is between 200 and 400 years old. there are quite big reach in size between 40-50 feet in height.   Their Fifth stage, the Grand Dragon, is a dragons middleage phase. A Grand dragon is between 500-900 years old. there even bigger than the Centrum Dragon reaching sizes between 60-100 feet in height.   Their last stage, the Elder Dragon, is the most powerfull and strongest dragon. A Elder Dragon is between 1000-2000 years old. there the biggest and strongest.   Very rarely, dragons reach a sixth stage. This stage of dragons involves them ascending into a form unknown to mortals, an existence among the demigods, with powers untold. The Eternal Dragon, these dragons can live for up to 5000 years.

Ecology and Habitats

The ecology of Supernal Dragons is categorized by their monster types, which represent their habitats and living conditions based on both their lineage and the environment. This is reflected in their typing, including their scale color.  

Amphibious Supernal Dragons

are born and live in the waters and lakes of the four realms, their bodies adapting to the waters. Most of them can either breathe underwater or hold their breath for an extended amount of time. These Dragons build their Nests and Hordes around areas with lots of water or rivers of other substances, as it gives them a distinct advantage in defending their nests and hordes.   Typicaly Dragons with Scales of the Pink, Yellow, Copper, Gold, Jasper, Peridot or Ruby kind fall under this category their heads adorned with leather membrames for swimming in the waters, all their kin decending from them also having these innate potentials, some of them even have unique breathweapons while underwater.  

Terrestrial Supernal Dragons

originating from the craggy peaks and cavernous depths within the four realms, these dragons are born and thrive in the harsh environments of mountains and deep caves. Their bodies, eyes, and scales evolve to embrace the darkness and humidity, becoming well-adapted to the subterranean life. Proficient in traversing their habitats, these dragons showcase remarkable skills, either burrowing through hardened rock or scaling walls with masterful agility in mere seconds. Crafting their nests and hoards strategically within mountains and caves or atop lofty peaks, these dragons secure a distinct advantage, leveraging the terrain to fiercely defend their precious lairs against   Typically, dragons with scales of the Black, Wyrmwood, Wahonite, Platinum, Silver, or Bismuth kinds fall under this category, their heads possessing smaller to almost no horns for easier burrowing and climbing. All their kin descending from them also have these innate potentials.  

Arial Supernal Dragons

born and residing in the expansive skies and clouds of the four realms, these dragons have bodies that enable them to gracefully float and rest amidst clouds or find refuge within the crags of floating islands. Exceptionally swift, most of them possess the ability to fly at immense speeds, with their rapidity often likened to teleportation; some even have the unique capability to displace themselves from one location to another. Constructing their nests and hoards in areas challenging to access, these dragons design their lairs with intricate traps and various methods to deter intruders who lack the speed or teleportation abilities.   Typically, dragons with scales of the Blue, Amethyst, Sapphire or Igniasteel kinds fall under this category. Sporting larger wings and horns adorned with charms that allow them to sense the air as they move, these dragons adeptly readjust and aim, enhancing their precision when targeting adversaries in aerial combat.  

Extremophile Supernal Dragons

inhabiting and embodying the elements and nature of the four realms, these dragons are born and flourish in extreme conditions, ranging from the searing heat of volcanoes to the biting cold of ice wastelands and the noxious air and fumes of the hag swamps. Their bodies, eyes, and scales undergo evolution to fully embrace their respective elements, rendering them adept at navigating and thriving in these harsh conditions. At the pinnacle of their ancestors' powers, these dragons wield breath weapons of larger-than-life proportions but bear a notable vulnerability to their opposing element. Strategically crafting nests and hoards within these extreme environments, these dragons secure a distinct advantage, leveraging the terrain to fiercely defend their precious lairs against potential adversaries.   Typically, dragons with scales of the White, Red, Green, Purple, Mithralk, Emerald or Citrin kinds fall under this category, their bodies larger than most regular dragons and feautres more aggressively draconic in natuer with sharper and denser scales and larger and heavier horns and talons.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dragon society revolves around individual hoards and lairs, serving as symbols of status and identity.    Each dragon's lair is a unique expression of its personality, with hoards not limited to material wealth but embodying the dragon's essence. Even dragons of the same lineage vary in their choices, with some diverging from conventional expectations, like a blue dragon opting for a terrestrial lifestyle and integrating with local cultures.   Diversity reigns supreme among dragon lairs and hoards, defying simple categorizations. These unique spaces are dynamic elements that shape dragon interactions, politics, and societal structures. The negotiation of alliances, rivalries, and territorial boundaries is intricately tied to the treasures dragons amass.

Civilization and Culture


In the few centuries following their mysterious arrival, dragons, arising from the blending of colors, maintained a detached stance from the world's gods. Despite this, they coexisted relatively peacefully with the mortal nations, with the occasional outlier disrupting the tranquility.    While the dragons refrained from engaging with the gods, their regular predation on mortal- and god-tended herds, such as Humans and Dragonkin, sparked minor conflicts. These clashes, personal rather than tribal or regional, often found resolution through contests of might, skill, or wit rather than outright violence, highlighting the dragons' preference for personal duels.   In response to these conflicts, some dragons chose subtler paths, concealing their true nature by living undercover as mortals or assuming roles as kings, queens, priests, and more within the societal frameworks of the realms.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
supernalis draconis
roughly 600 to 2000 Years
Average Height
30-90 feet high
Average Weight
800 lbs
Average Length
roughly 20-50 feet long


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