215th Holding

The thirty-two-strong graduating class of the 215th Korzhûn Holding were noted as rowdy and tight-knit, prone to breaking into song as much as impromptu fights, but disciplined when required to be -- a reflection of their Chief Warden Orihne Basania's methods. Other Wardens thought of the vast majority of them as a group of ‘young upstarts’ that showed more respect to each other than to their superiors or peers; Chief Basania quietly considered that a compliment.   Despite their closeness and the general ‘hero-status’ of Esmaye Justica, their First -- who was often remarked to be on track to become ‘the next Terbias Cuun’ -- there was an underlying, burgeoning division on their preference of leader between Esmaye and Kotia Acosaphaura, being the only two to demonstrate any significant, qualified leadership. Though the vast majority preferred Esmaye’s style, over time this may have grown into a deeper divide. Everyone tended to refer to each other by surname except between close friends in private. Perhaps due to their Chief’s experience of having a daughter in the military, she was arguably more supportive of her female cadets and usually graduated more young women.   Tragedy would strike when the graduates had the misfortune of choosing their Korzhûn Holding as a meeting-place to celebrate their upcoming graduation, and it was attacked by a small group of unknown individuals armed with explosives. In the resulting explosions and collapse of the building all but nine of the thirty-two prospective graduates were killed -- this became known as the Massacre of the 215th Holding.   Chief Warden: Orihne Basania
Night Wardens / Part-Time Assistant-Wardens:
Day Wardens: Aramastus Danig   Training Period: Six Seasons
Initial Enlistment:
136 Shogu
First Dismissal, [date]: 48, leaving 70
Second Dismissal, [date]: 28, leaving 42
Third Dismissal, [date]: 8, leaving 34
Fourth Dismissal, [date]: 2 primarily to injury, leaving 32   Graduation and Rankings Announced: 45th Day of the Season of Closing, 1000AC
Scheduled Graduation Ceremony:
65th Day of the Season of Closing, 1000AC, Korzhûn
Shogu Released From the Holding:
25th Day of the Season of Opening, 1001AC
Rescheduled Graduation Ceremony: 31st Day of the Season of Opening, 1001AC, Korzhûn
What follows is a roster of the final thirty-two prospective graduates. Those that survived the massacre on the 55th Day of the Season of Closing, 1000AC, have an asterisk before their name.   First-Ranked, Exemplar:
  1. Esmaye Justica
  2. Katka
  3. *Kotia Acosaphaura
  4. X
  5. X
  6. *Fhalz Lathor
  7. Xiersa
  8. Szoxherce Attraptepas
  9. X
  10. *X
  11. X
  12. X
  First-Ranked:   Second-Ranked:   Third-Ranked:


Chief Warden > Warden > Assistant-Warden > Shogu


As is typical with most Holding graduations, when those who will be graduating and the final rankings are announced to the Shogu by the Chief Warden, it is typically considered the closure of the learning period -- in other words a 'soft' graduation, with a formal ceremony to follow to announce them to the rest of the military and the community. The period between this announcement and the formal ceremony is a sort of waiting room in which the Shogu can also be called graduates.
Dissolution Date
45th Day of the Season of Closing, 1000AC
Military, Other
Training Level
Veterancy Level
The 215th
Parent Organization


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