Bephtalpet (Beff-TAL-pet)

The Bephtalpet are one of the oldest Kivan tribes and were nomadic like most prior to 400AC, when a visit to the Baon Well prompted a vision from twelve-year-old Bejol Bephtalpet and, inspired, they settled there and founded Baon. This is one of the first known examples of a Kivan tribe settling permanently and it has not been reproduced on a similar scale since.   The majority of the tribe in addition to settling also became Creedists, and occasionally the tribe name is synonymous with the faith. Though many took a pacifist stance in times of conflict, they would sometimes serve when called to the Valnoc in a shamanistic capacity.   The family of the same name share a direct ancestor with the Acosaphaura and both belonged to the Onshecaat ethnic group besides, and thus the Bephtalpet and the Etir have had fairly amicable relations throughout history. The Bephtalpet were perhaps the only tribe to not react with scorn when the Etir sided with the Pact of the Blessèd at the start of the War of the Six.


Internal Hierarchy: Head Tribesman, Crest, Member
Geopolitical, Tribe
Related Ethnicities


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