Cradle of Mists
The Cradle of Mists is the generic term for mistspeakers and their practices; it is a shamanistic relative to Sehndism, though it is unclear whether they are contemporaries or one is a sect of the other. They share similar beliefs in hylozoism and the importance of water on Icalar, and in the ability to communicate with souls and by extension, Ega. The practice is unique to Seyis-Gol and thrives in part due to its isolated nature and sparse, minimally-educated population (though it is by no means primitive or disrespected as such).
It is not unusual for larger settlements to have a mistspeaker; smaller settlements may share one with neighbors. Although largely unnecessary, elder mistspeakers may meet annually.
Public Agenda
Healing, maintainer of spiritual balance within the community, divination, blessings.
Demography and Population
Interestingly, the Cradle of Mists is notable for being one of the only Icalaran religions with as many goblin elders as other races.
The Isle of the Cradle has been granted as a holy site by the local klatuut. It is used as a meeting-place and ritualistic site.