Daernhuldyr Brokka (DAY'rn-hull-DIHR BROCK-uh)

Meitibat (a.k.a. "Daern")

Daernhuldyr Brokka was a particularly talented, trusted, and respected retainer of the Sciba Family of the Keeping of Keismeb -- so much so that he rose to become the Meitibat of the Keeping Contingent of the Host of Selephise during the War of the Six, thus overseeing the significant number of the Keeping's unified troops.   Although he contracted the Plague of the Bitter Hand he lived long enough to sign both the Inebi Treaty and Inebi Armistice on behalf of his deceased superiors, with the agreement of the Keeping who so trusted him. His death was widely agreed as a great loss, even amongst those who were otherwise at odds with one another.
Year of Death
990 AC
Circumstances of Death
Third-stage effects of the Plague of the Bitter Hand
Place of Death
Aligned Organization


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