Host of Selephise (Sell-IH-feez)

The Host of Selephise (or simply 'the Host') was the principal military force of the Violet Accord during the War of the Six, and was led by three Titans (generals): Hezath Zalesper from Kiva; Scedal Basania from Ustraria, and Aguthsha Intoh from Unenshuut; they were three of the 'Six' of the titular war. The Host itself was subject to the commands of Ohni Kujan, the Tibat of the Violet Accord.   The Host contrasted with the far more organized, older forces of its counterpart, the Golden Itoqir, in that it was assembled late and largely consisted of mercenary groups, fragments of regional militant forces (mostly rallied by the Keeping of Keismeb, Unenshuut), and conscripts. This delay in formation was due to the Violet Accord initially being more civilian with pacifistic research agendas regarding the ikam; however, all three Titans were either capable military leaders or (as with Aguthsha Intoh) took readily to the role, and the Host became just as formidable.   Their edge came in the form of warlock-summoned forces from the otherworld Azgorach (known as the Azgorach Horde) that grew in number as the conflict went on, which initially began as a separate pre-war experiment whose first success was Xa'aroch. Xa'aroch -- who would become known as the Door-Opener or the Treacherous One -- would go on to assist with bringing more of his kind into service. The warlocks -- led by Vasaeon Hejiq -- also supplemented their numbers with vitria-created demonics of their own.


Tibat: Ohni Kujan
Titans: Aguthsha Intoh, Scedal Basania, Hezath Zalesper
The Azgorach Horde
Meitibat: Vasaeon Hejiq
Meititan: The twelve Ba'athorog Seekers (Xa'aroch typically being regarded as their leader), Grien Laughingmeadow, Monare Hejiq, Sephe Dosneidr
The Kivan Cavalry
Meititan: Ghutatru Hea
The Keeping Contingent
Meitibat: Daernhuldyr Brokka


The Host utilized the Accord's flag: a horizontal rectangle in violet with a centralized emerald tree -- an aigerwell -- over which two white quills are crossed.


Disbanded due to the end of the War of the Six with the Inebi Treaty in 43rd Day of the Season of Ripening, 989AC.

986AC - 43rd Day of the Season of Ripening, 989

Military, Army
Alternative Names
The Host
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Professions


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