Ikkhez Yicye (ICK-hezz YICK-yee)

Ikkhez was the daughter of Sandasferohi and Lenaein Yicye and a member of the Mulir of the Golden Itoqir during the War of the Six. Trained by her father, a renowned spymaster, she served as a deep-cover spy and courier based in Keismeb -- the heart of Violet Accord territory. She was dispatched in the Season of Opening, 987AC.   She was also a peer of Nelos Acosaphaura, who was assigned by Devatska Acosaphaura to convey messages between her and Ikkhez. The two often met where the borders of Iyr, Seyis-Gol, and Unenshuut joined at the southern split of the Acheche River to exchange information.   She was killed in late 987AC around the time of the Charge of the Martyrs, having been revealed as a spy.

Physical Description

Facial Features

'Deceptively delicate' face shape.

Identifying Characteristics

Her marks of Ctho were just beginning when she died, and known only to be those of some kind of bird (i.e., 'nest-touched').

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Nelos noted her as being cheery during training, but the rigors of her assignments soon made her more subdued. Her frankness, however, remained undiminished.
Year of Death
987 AC
Circumstances of Death
Killed upon being revealed as a spy.
Place of Death
Bright green
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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