
A Prime is a member of the Korzhûn Stewardship; although the Stewardship may employ other incidental civil workers, only Primes are counted as actual members with voting power. They form a council of ten and act as the overarching democratic government of Korzhûn. Due to the havoc wrought by the Plague of the Bitter Hand and the War of the Six, there are currently only seven Primes.   Primes are elected to a minimum term of five years, and there must be a gap of at least ten years before another family member may take the post (e.g., a child or grandchild may not succeed their parent/grandparent until at least one unrelated member has completed their term). They may not hold any other leadership or military position to avoid a conflict of interest. Despite their main base of operations being Embermore Keep, they are very mobile; during civic duties/calls they wear emerald green.


Public democratic election to candidacy; final appointment by democratic election from fellow Primes, Tothjal, and Master Shepherd(s) of Leaving.

Notable Holders

Nettherrose Altith became one of the most well-known Primes as the leader of the Pact of the Blessèd during the War of the Six.
Civic, Political
Form of Address
Prime [Surname]
Length of Term
5-Year Minimum, 20-year Maximum. Consecutive by an individual permissible; nepotism controlled by single-term-minimum gap.
Related Locations
Related Organizations


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