Xenadal Keth (JHEN-ah-DAL KETH)

Xenadal Keth is a former Prime of the Korzhûn Stewardship, having retired in 984AC. Prior to this he had a long, successful diplomatic career, specifically between Korzhûn and Seishmeb, facilitated through having been adopted by the prestigious Bu'ran family as a child.   It was through his ambassadorial duties that he met Maetes Acosaphaura, who had accompanied her brothers Eraleon and Gehrqo to Seishmeb to visit their respective sweethearts. The two began a long dalliance themselves that finally culminated in an engagement in 969AC; the relationship proved unusually intense according to outsiders, and in 970AC Maetes broke off the engagement -- she also then disappeared not long after, to much suspicion. Though heartbroken and forever changed -- and his former friendship with the Acosaphaura damaged beyond repair -- Xenadal returned to Korzhûn and continued his political career.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Appears in early sixties owing to his nae'cthosai heritage.

Identifying Characteristics

His marks of Ctho are that of a mistowl.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Xenadal was orphaned at age eight and adopted two seasons later by the Bu'ran family, who nonetheless encouraged him to keep his family surname to honor his parents.


Contacts & Relations

Former Prime of the Korzhûn Stewardship.

Family Ties

Xocis Bu'ran's mother Ropline was his adoptive sister, and he took a strong hand in helping her manage her son Xocis.

Wealth & Financial state

Current Status
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
12th Day of the Season of Opening, 937AC
Year of Birth
918 AC 83 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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