Vitria (VIHT-tree-UH)

Vitria is the term given to the actual spells and abilities used by warlocks; as a magical manifestation, 'shadow-work' is more commonly used by non-practitioners. It encompasses: life-stealing or harmful Ega manipulation in the body, curses and indenturing -- or creating ('demonics') -- other living beings, physical or psychological/emotional manipulation, necromancy, unethical or outright cruel experimentation, and contact with malevolent forces (such as the otherworld of Azgorach.   Most warlocks are usually (but not always) Aré practitioners initially, where the corruption of their abilities is more straightforward; however, gifted bloodsingers of Rel or Uon who are able to acquire Aré skills and apply them to the practice are not unheard of, such as Grien Laughingmeadow.   It is crucial to note that vitria is believed to be an alteration of Aré rather than a separate form of Ega.  
Known Spells/Applications:
  • Fireblood -- Flames of vitria with the unique ability to cling to surfaces and grow as if with a will of their own regardless of the size of the instigating flame. They are incredibly difficult to extinguish. They are often used to great effect in conjunction with wounding-type Vicious Seeds that can attract the creeping spellfire.
  • Vicious Seed -- Of two types, parasite and wounding, but in either case consisting of an innocuous capsule made of warded paper containing concentrated vitria that can be activated remotely or by time-release. In parasite Seeds, concentrated vitria is released in a cloud that then forms ribbons and enters the nearest living being, who then perform limited commands at the behest of whomever holds the other half of the ward, for a limited period of time. Particularly skilled warlocks can create potent seeds small enough to be swallowed and activated internally. When the spell expires the puppet invariably dies. In wounding seeds, the vitria is released with a similar degree of control as a firework and is localized to the placement site, with stronger effects the closer one is to it. Larger-scale Vicious Seeds can be made with other materials; there is a certain limit to the Seed's reach and effectiveness depending on its size. A particularly potent Seed of either type may leave a wound on the surrounding Ega and an echo of itself, the latter of which is usually only detectable by Shepherds of Leaving with their heightened sensitivity.
  • Subjugation -- Using an 8" scepter with a head formed of two crossed crescents and a centralized eye, a beam of vitria is shot at the head of the intended target. Depending on the intensity (itself dependent on user skill), this will either disorient, incapacitate, or put the target into a coma or kill them. The intensity also determines the rate of recovery, if recovery is possible at all. Solely conjured versions of the scepter are possible, but tend to be less effective in the hands of those less skilled.
  • Enslavement -- Usually follows summonings, births, or subjugation. The target is bound to another (usually a warlock) using a set of paired wards; they may be aware or unaware of the binding, and may be willing or unwilling. The target is then compelled to perform the bidding of the holder of the wards.
  • Farcasting -- Used for espionage when the location is known and stable; commonly utilizes a demonic or Azgorach (such as an Eidlish), but use of other intelligent creatures is not unheard of. At the target site a shimmer of black-gold heat spirals in order to create a disc-like viewing portal, from which the warlock can view the target site through the proxy's eyes.
  • Ribbons -- Formed of vitria and used as restraints.
  • Focusing Forms -- Vitria shaped as chains connecting caster and target that may or may not pass through an elongated hexagonal sigil; used to focus other spells or, occasionally, incapacitate.
  Summonings, Reanimations, and 'Births'   All summoning rituals, births of manmade demonics, and reanimations consist of a spell prism, focusing lenses and chains, and incantations. Depending on the resultant creature additional measures may be required, such as a Subjugation scepter or other restraints.
  • Reanimation -- Any and all attempts to revive the dead. The vast majority of these efforts have proven futile, with the limited 'successes' not surviving long or having sudden, undesired consequences.
  • Summonings -- Focused solely on Azgorach and the beings therein; the spell prism acts as a portal through which additional spellcraft can reach, lure, and pull the creature into Icalar, where they can then be Subjugated and Enslaved. Unsuccessful attempts may result in the creature dying or being maimed physically or mentally, and if protective measures fail then injury or death may occur to the caster(s).
  • Demonics -- The term for warlock-made servants, usually modeled on Azgorach and/or using their flesh or blood. Involves a coalescing of materials using vitria, followed by an incubation period and ultimately a 'birth' wherein they acquire sentience (but not free will -- the core reason for demonics in the first place). The incubation period may take place in a spell prism, physical container, or host body (human or animal). Unsuccessful attempts typically entail the demonic dying before or during birth. During the War of the Six, the most successful/common were Eidlish-like.

Side/Secondary Effects

Contact with offensive vitria spells most often results in silvery-gray, web-like veins emerging on the skin -- they have been likened to silk scars on bloodsilk impacted by Ega and as such, it is speculated that due to vitria's closeness to Are, the victim's flesh is being similarly-scarred via the wound to their Ega.


It typically manifests with a characteristic magenta coloring, especially with offensive spells. Non-warlock Ega users often also report feeling a 'dissonance' in the Ega, usually an unpleasant spike, pulling feeling, or roaring/ringing in the head.
Gestures & Ritual
Shadow-work typically employs more sigils, tools/materials, and incantations than other disciplines.
Related Discipline

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